Page 10 of Intercept

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"Shit no, we can't," I agreed. "I'm all about the vibe."

"Isn't that why the boss is making you work with a publicist?" Ollie asked. "Too much vibe?"

"Too much something," Hawk agreed.

"Jealousy is a sin and curse," I told him. "With some work, you could be almost as awesome as me."

"Almost?" Hawk asked.

"Yeah. This awesomeness is beyond the scope of most mere humans." I grinned and puffed out my chest.

Hawk snorted. "I should have guessed."

"You really should," I agreed. "But now you know."

"You know what I think?" Chase said slowly.

"What?" I asked, even though I probably shouldn't.

"I think you need to get laid." Chase smirked.

"You offering?" I shot back.

"As tempting as that is," Chase said, "I'm a one person…person." Ashley, she could probably do better than Chase. Seriously though, they were cute together. I hoped for their sakes it would last.

I sipped my beer and thought about how I could make this arrangement with Grace not run on for too long. The last thing I needed was anyone, man or woman, cramping my vibe.



"Can you believe this guy?" I asked over my wine glass. "He gets kicked out of a bar and he stops to show off to fans. I'm surprised he didn't start giving autographs or taking selfies."

Bec laughed. "Bam isn't so bad. He just has a healthy ego." She leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs.

"A very healthy ego," Ashley agreed. She'd recently joined Bec and me for our wine and movie nights.

I remember how nervous she looked at first. Dating Rapids players was all she and Bec had in common, as far as either of them knew. She and I bonded over a mutual love of lipstick. Now Ashley sat with one of my cats spread out over her lap, purring his head off while she stroked him.

"I'm not saying an ego is a bad thing," I said slowly. "I'm just saying he's going to have to reign it in, or he'll get kicked off the team."

I paused while Bec raised her eyebrows at me.

"Okay, I'm going to have to reign it in," I conceded. "I just hope I can, or it'll be my ass out the door with his."

"He has such a nice ass though," Ashley pointed out. "Almost as nice as Chase's."

"They're both a nine," Bec said with a sly smile. "But Hawk's ass is a ten."

"Yeah." I grinned. "But, you know whose ass is an eleven though?"

In unison, we all said, "Ollie," and sighed before we broke into laughter.

"Now there's a guy who should have a big ego," I said. He was almost too attractive for his own good.

"Give him a year or two," Bec said. "He'll catch up with the rest."

"If he keeps being stared at and followed around like he is now, he will," Ashley agreed.
