Page 11 of Intercept

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"Do you think Bam was humble once?" I found that difficult to imagine.

"Not for a moment," Bec said immediately and with certainty. "He was probably born bowing, or waving to his fans."

Ashley laughed. "Or thinking up some kind of prank. Chase is just as bad." She made a face but I knew he didn't prank her. He wasn't that silly.

"I hope they can contain themselves until Carson is happy with him." I grimaced. He'd be out the door before I could blink if he didn't. And me with him.

"Bam is outgoing, but he's smart," Bec said. "The game is everything to him. If he has to dial it back for a while, he will." She looked as though she was going to add something.

I waited. When she didn't elaborate, I made an 'out with it' gesture with my fingers.

"The guys listen to their coaches," she said finally. "Sometimes they listen to each other." She looked apologetic.

"You're saying I have my hands full and I'll be lucky if he listens to a word I say?" I asked. When she nodded, I grimaced. "I guessed that much already. As long as he doesn't go out of his way to be a dick, we should be cool."

Everything was at stake here. Another team would likely pick him up if the Rapids dropped him. As for me, chances are I wouldn't be so lucky. I'd have to lay down the law with him. Tell him what's what. If he was smart, like Bec said, he'd understand.

Casper, my white, long-haired cat, jumped onto my lap as I was reaching to refill my wine.

"Do you mind?" I asked him.

He promptly curled up on me so I couldn't move.

"I think he's trying to remind me that keeping pro ball players in line might be like herding cats," I said.

Bec snapped her fingers so suddenly Casper looked up in indignation.

"That's exactly what it's like," she said. "No wonder Carson picked you. You have years of experience dealing with stubborn creatures."

Casper looked indignant, but put his head back down and rolled so I could have the honour of stroking his belly fur.

Lucky me.

Ashley snorted. "Stubborn is the word for them. They wouldn't be where they are if they weren't."

"That's true," Bec agreed. She looked thoughtful. I suspected she was remembering how she and Hawk almost didn't get together because he refused to talk about his mother's battle with cancer. She was almost as bad though. She'd spent years hating him because he was a prick in high school.

If they weren't the perfect example of love conquers all, I don't know what was.

Okay, I'd add Chase and Ashley to that list. Her boyfriend slept with his girlfriend. According to Ashley, she walked in on them, in her bed.

I'd be devastated if that happened to me, but together, the pair have moved past it. They bonded over a mutual dislike of cheating assholes, and the rest was history.

That was understandable, cheating assholes sucked pretty hard.

"I might call on you for help with him," I said. "You both know him better than I do." It sounded like I'd need all the help I could get.

"Anything to make this run smoothly." Bec topped up my wine and Ashley's, since she was the only one currently cat-free.

"I appreciate that." I smiled and nodded my thanks. "He's big on helping out charities?"

Bec nodded. "All of the guys are. That's one of the best things about them. They know how fortunate they are, and they want to give back to the community that supports them. It would be so easy for them to throw all their money at fast cars and big houses."

"They have those too," Ashley said.

Yeah, I've seen the houses they both lived in these days. My whole apartment could fit in their bedrooms. Neither Bec nor Ashley had a big head though. They were in relationships with guys who had more money than they knew what to do with. They could make excuses not to come here, to my small place, but they didn't.

Bec was the same sweet, savvy, smart woman I've been best friends with forever.
