Page 31 of Intercept

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"That's not necessary." I didn't want to talk to him ever again. At least not right now. On the screen, the guys went into a huddle. I knew the Rapids led from that point on. It was funny to see them on screen and in person at the same time. Once, I would have been in awe of them. Now, they were just a bunch of guys who also happened to be football gods.

"Yeah it is," Chantel said. "He needs to apologise and clear the air."

"Because his career will suffer if he keeps playing badly?" I tried not to sound bitter, but some of it creeped out.

"That too," she said. "But mostly because it's the right thing to do. He'd kick my ass if I didn't do the right thing. Now the shoe's on the other foot." She pretended to kick the air.

I snorted a laugh. "Yeah, well, if he feels like it, he can, I guess." It wouldn't be very sincere if she made him talk to me.

"He will, I swear." She paid for her drink, then said, "Those are on me too." She nodded toward Bec’s and my wine. "It's the least I can do for having a jerk as a brother."

I smiled. "I hope you make him pay you back."

"Yeah, he will. He just doesn't know it yet." She grinned.

I shook my head as she walked away. She certainly was an interesting woman. Headstrong too, I bet, like her brother.

I picked up the glasses and carried them back to the table.

"What was that about?" Bec asked.

I told them both what Chantel said, and that she'd assured me Bam was actually sorry.

"That sounds more like Bam," Ashley said. "Decent guy, but only human, blah, blah."

"Mmm," I replied. "We'll see." I didn't look around, in case he was looking this way. I didn't want him to think we were talking about him, even if we were. Especially because we were.

Bec patted my hand. "It'll be okay, I promise. We'll help you through this, just like you helped me when I quit my job, and everything."

"I hope this ends as well for me as it did for you." I couldn't see how that was possible at this point.

"I hope so too," Ashley said.

"It will," Bec said firmly. "You'll find an amazing new job and a whole new, epic life. Better than you ever dreamed." She was nothing if not an optimistic romantic.

"That sounds perfect," I said. "I could use some epicness in my life right about now."

"Couldn't we all?" Ashley agreed. "There's always room for more."

"Speaking of rooms." I frowned toward Bec. "Does Hawk really mix his movie and TV franchises that much?"

Bec grinned. "Yeah, but then I sneak in and move them around."

I laughed. "You're such geeks." It was one of the cutest things about the couple.

"And proud of it," Bec said. She looked behind me and her eyes widened. "Speaking of Bam…"



"You ladies talking 'bout me?" I gave them my best, panty melting smile.

Bec and Ashley smiled back. Grace gave me a look like she hoped I would melt. Not in a good way.

For some totally unfathomable reason, it made me want to melt in a good way.

Bloody women.
