Page 47 of Intercept

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It might have been a cat giving me a death glare, but I preferred to think it was Grace.

"Good night, beautiful lady," I said in the direction of that window. "Sleep tight. Have sweet dreams."

Would I be in them? I hoped so. She'd be in mine, only wearing a pretty bow.

I pressed my foot down on the pedal and pulled away.



Is this the place? I thought.

I looked up at the building. Six floors high, the apartments at the top would have one hell of a view of the lake.

I pushed open my car door and inhaled the fresh air. Even hidden by rows of houses, the lake was enticing.

Okay, not on an early winter's day, but in the middle of summer it would be amazing. Busy, but amazing. What would it be like to wake up and look out the window at that every morning?

I sighed. There was no point trying to guess. It would never be my life.

Bam made it clear he wasn't interested in me. Sure, he kissed me, and the kiss was incredible, but then he couldn't get out the door quick enough. He ran slower on the field with the game at stake.

All right, I'm exaggerating, but I got the message loud and clear.

Why was I even here? Standing in the carpark of Bam's place on a cold, overcast day.

Oh yeah, to help sick kids, and because I was getting paid. Rubie said if Bam didn't pay me, she would. More than her father paid too. I needed to keep my cats in food somehow. And myself in wine and chocolate.

Those were the only reasons. It had nothing to do with the fact I couldn't stop thinking about Bam and that kiss. The feel of his mouth on mine, firm and sweet. The touch of his tongue on my lips. My nipples sprang up, hard and ready. My clit throbbed a time or two.

I shook my head. I needed to push it out of my brain and get on with my life. Seeing Bam wasn't going to make it any easier.

It's just work, I told myself.

I sucked in a deep breath of freezing air and checked my phone.

Apartment six-two. Of course it was. Who could resist being on top—um, on the top floor.

Damnit, I was thinking about him again. I reminded myself how his abrupt departure stung, but it didn't rein in my traitorous clit.

No, I told myself. I have to stop. From now on, I would be all professionalism. I wouldn't, couldn't, let him get under my skin. Remember he got you fired. I should hate his guts, not want to jump his bones.

I started toward the front door, through the walk-through metal detector the guard waved me toward, and up the elevator to the sixth floor.

Only two apartments occupied the top floor. If I guessed correctly, one had a view back toward the city. The other, then, faced the lake.

No trophies for guessing which was Bam's.

Not that I was jealous or anything. No way. I certainly didn't start to think what our lives might be like here, together. Not a chance. That would be ludicrous, not to mention dangerous.

I pressed the button beside the door with his number on it. If it rang or buzzed inside, I couldn't hear it.

I glanced around for a camera, but couldn't see one. Either the guard on the door was enough security, or it was hidden in the ceiling or door somewhere. If no one could find it, they couldn't break it. Judging by the size of the door—all two metres of it—even if they did, breaking in would be another thing.

Just as I was thinking that, the door swung open.

Bam stood there in track pants—yes, light grey ones—and a black t-shirt. His biceps bulged in firm-fitting sleeves. They drew my gaze and made my clit do a naked tap dance on a tabletop.
