Page 64 of Intercept

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"Second sign is thinking someone is laughing at nothing, when in fact they have plenty to laugh about," I retorted. "In this case, I was laughing because the girls would still swoon over Ollie, even with a face full of blood."

Ollie grimaced, grabbed a towel and started to wipe it off.

"They'd probably like him even more like that," Hawk said. "War wounds and all."

"Women can be so sadistic," I agreed.

"Maybe you could attract one if you got hurt," Chase suggested.

"Are you offering?" Hawk asked, his grin wider than before.

"Naw, Bam knows where to go if he wants to be punched in the face," Chase replied.

I smirked. "Are you limping, Chasey-boy?"

"You'd be limping too if you got tackled by Bryan Nauta."

I had to give him that. The Pacific Islander was one of the biggest guys in the AGL. If he brought anyone down, the crowd always groaned in sympathy. Unless they were fans of the Goannas, in which case they cheered.

When we watched the playback, we could have a good chuckle at Chase's expense, unless he was more badly injured than he looked.

"Get some ice on it," Hawk said. He didn't really need to. We all knew to get our injuries looked at as soon as possible. If we didn't, we might miss the next game, or the rest of the season. Or be out forever. No one wanted their career to end that way.

"I'm going." Chase limped toward the medic.

Ollie wasn't far behind, although I suspected he'd only suffered bruising to his face and ego.

I'd have a stiff shoulder from another tackle, but the medic checked it over during halftime and cleared me to keep playing.

It wasn't much of a game unless most of us were injured in some way. As long as nothing was broken and no one died, then it was all good, as far as I was concerned.

"Bec tells me you and Grace got close," Hawk said. He shoved his helmet into his locker and leaned against it, arms crossed over his chest.

"If you've seen any social media in the last week, you would know that." I couldn't keep the bitterness out of my tone. I didn't like this kind of scrutiny, and Grace deserved better. At least Hawk had the balls to ask me about it to my face.

He raised one eyebrow slightly. "I didn't mean that. Bec seems to think you care about each other."

I couldn't keep the surprise off my face. I tried, but I'd long ago admitted that I suck at poker. If I ever got a good hand, I'd grin like a carnival clown.

I shrugged and tried to pretend I hadn't just reacted how I did. "I don't know what you're talkin' about."

"Right." Hawk lowered his arms. "If that's how you want to play it."

"It is," I replied.

He hesitated, then turned to pull off his jersey and toss it aside to be washed.

I loosened the strapping on my wrists and started to work them down and off.

After a good three to four minutes, I said, "I care about her, okay? A lot. She doesn't feel the same way though."

Hawk glanced back at me. "You sure about that?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why? What did Bec say?" This was starting to feel like a high school locker room.

"Not much," Hawk said. "Just that she thought you both had feelings for each other, but you're both too proud to admit it. If Grace told her anything in confidence, she wouldn't have told me. You know how women are."

"Good at keeping secrets?" I asked.
