Page 65 of Intercept

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"I think they call it respecting boundaries, but same thing," Hawk said. "So, is it true? Is the Bam-man really in love?"

"If you go making kissy faces at me, I'm gonna find a home for my fist. In your face." I said.

Hawk pursed his lips, but then grinned. "Come on, man, spill. Have you got the hots for her, or what?"

I slumped against a locker. "What good would it do? She doesn't feel the same way."

"It sounds like you should be having this conversation with her," Hawk said.

"If I was talking to her right now, I'd wonder why a woman was in a locker room full of guys in their birthday suits." One thing I would say about the guys, was that none were shy about their bodies. Except Ollie, who was shy about almost everything.

Hawk laughed. "Maybe she got lucky."

I couldn't resist saying, "She sure did." I had skills and I didn't mind admitting to it. At least, I never had any complaints. Was that even a thing women did, or did they just tell their friends how bad a guy was?

That might be something I shouldn't think about too much. Women seemed to be satisfied, that was enough for me.

Hawk sounded like he was choking back a laugh. "Man, I have no idea what Grace would see in you anyway."

"Me either," I said. "But I dunno what Bec sees in you." If I had to pin down a reason, I might say it's because Hawk was one of the best guys I knew. He'd give you the shirt off his back, as long as it wasn't his Rapids’ jersey. He owned that bad boy and it owned him. Of all of us, Hawk was the one most likely to end up Head Coach someday. He lived and breathed the game more than any guy I ever met. Sometimes I wondered how he made room for Bec, but he obviously did, or she would have walked away long ago. I'd bet my last 5 cents those two would get married and live happily ever after. They were so sweet to each other, it was enough to rot anyone's teeth.

"Bec is smart," Hawk said. "She knows an awesome guy when she sees one."

I grinned. "And yet, she settled for you."

Hawk chuckled, but he shrugged. "I'll take being second best, as long as she'll put up with me."

"Second best might be a bit ambitious," I teased.

Hawk yanked off a sweaty sock and threw it at me. I ducked and it sailed over my shoulder and landed a few metres away.

"Hey, no one deserves to come into close physical contact with your nasty socks," I said.

"Some people would pay one for one of those," Hawk said.

"Some people are as nasty as your socks," I said. Hell, people sent dirty underwear. Nothing would surprise me anymore.

I kicked it back toward him with the toe of my boot. "I'm gonna need to steralise that now. And the floor'll need a good clean."

Hawk scooped up his sock and sat to pull off the other one. "I might donate them to the hall of fame instead." He waved his socks in the air.

"They don't want them either," I said. "Take 'em home and wash the nasty things."

I sat and pulled off my boots. My own socks were getting threadbare, but they'd do for another season or two. I hated to buy new socks until the old ones fell apart. Same with everything else I owned.

"I can see your toe peeking out." Hawk pointed.

"Air conditioning," I retorted. Okay, maybe it was time for new ones.

"This is why you need a girlfriend," Hawk said. "Someone to throw away old socks and make you buy new ones."

"You're making staying single sound appealing." I was old enough to throw away and buy my own stuff. I didn't need Grace, or anyone, telling me what to wear. I wouldn't do it to her, no matter how tempted I was to buy those snowflake pants I saw in the shop. If she didn't want them, that was up to her, but her ass would look smoking hot in them.

And out of them.

"You're going to talk to her?" Hawk asked.

"Why do you care?" I pulled off my socks and sighed at the sensation of cool air on my bare feet.
