Page 7 of Intercept

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"I really would," Bam agreed. He did a double-take. Apparently the not-very-subtle threat sunk into his brain. "Yeah, that would really suck. I'm not gonna let anything get between me and that game. Nothing, and no one."

He looked at me as though I was somehow the enemy. If he was going to fight me on this, then we were going to have a problem on our hands.

Who was I kidding? I was the one with the problem on my hands. All six foot three of him, muscular build, tattoos and all. He might be hot if he wasn't so obviously a pain in the ass.

"We'll have him shined up and ship shape in no time," I said with as much confidence as I could muster. I had to. It wasn't just his career on the line here. If I failed, I'd be lucky to find work anywhere else.

I gave Bam a firm look. Mess this up for me and I'll— I didn't know what, but it wouldn't be good.



"What the hell, man? I can't believe Carson thinks I need a publicist." I propped my elbow on the table and rested my forehead on two upraised fingers and a thumb.

"I feel like a kid who got caught stealing cookies." I was being treated like one too, as far as I was concerned.

"That was your first mistake," Hawk said. The Rapids' quarterback and I were tight ever since we met. Even after he started dating Bec, a cute blonde journalist who clearly had bad taste in guys. He always had time for his friends. Most of the time anyway.

"You got caught," Hawk finished. "If you're going to steal cookies, make sure you cover your tracks."

"Yeah," Chase agreed. "Don't steal cookies in a room full of people with phones." The Rapids' wide receiver, Chase was as loved up as Hawk these days. Poor guy never stopped smiling. As far as women went, Ashley was pretty nice. Certainly better than the usual women Chase had hanging off his arm.

"I'm not dumb enough to get caught stealing cookies," I said with a grunt. "As for folks with phones, they should mind their own fucking business." Unless I was doing something I wanted the world to know about. Then, they could go nuts.

"Look at this place." I gestured around Waves. Everyone was busy talking to people at their own tables, or on the stool beside them. A few were on devices, but none were waving them at us. They treated us like regular guys here. It was a refreshing change to other places, and one of the reasons we kept coming back.

"What about this place?" John, one of the owners, stopped on his way past. "You're not going to bring this place into disrepute too, are you?"

I groaned while he grinned. John wouldn't be him if he didn't give us shit every chance he got.

"I'm on my best behaviour," I assured him. "Like I always am."

"If you say so." John made a face before he moved away.

Hawk looked like he was ready to burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked.

He grinned. "When have you ever been on your best behaviour?"

I pretended to be offended, which I was, a little bit. "Only always. I'm a good guy."

Hawk laughed. "Yeah, you're a good guy, but you're also the one the boss assigned a nursemaid to."

I grunted in disgust. "She's not a nursemaid."

"Close enough," Chase said.

"You know what the really funny thing is?" Hawk asked.

"Why don't you go ahead and tell me." I gave him a dark look from under my eyebrows.

Hawk did. "Grace is Bec's best friend. I'm going to get to hear all the juicy details."

I stared at him for a moment, but apparently he wasn't joking.

"I didn't take you for the kind to gossip," I said sourly.
