Page 8 of Intercept

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"I'm not," Hawk replied. "But it's hard not to listen when Grace comes over for dinner."

"Hmmm." I lowered my hand to the table. "I hate to disappoint you, Mr Quarterback, but all you'll hear about me is sunshine and rainbows." If he even heard that much. Conrad Thomas would be pissed if Grace went off babbling about work to her friends. Hawk knew that too, but of course he couldn't resist acting like it might happen. Asshat.

"Yeah, that's what I think of when I think of you," Chase said ironically. "Sunshine and rainbows."

"Bull," I said. "You're too busy thinking about the next prank you're pulling on my ass."

"That too." Chase laughed. "Which reminds me, I owe you one."

"I'd be more than happy if you don't repay that debt," I said. "In fact, why don't I take another turn?" If there was anything I enjoyed in life, it was pranking Chase McKinney.

"Maybe you should dial that back until the boss is happy," Hawk suggested. "If he hears of any pranks, he'll have your ass made into a football."

"If he hears," I said. The only problem was, Hawk was right. If I put a toe out of line, and Carson heard about it, he'd be pissed. I couldn't afford to piss him off right now.

I sighed and took a gulp of my beer, only to find the glass already empty.

Hawk and Chase both laughed.

I flipped them the finger.

"Careful, someone might take a photo and put it online," Hawk warned, the grin never leaving his face.

"I'm never gonna be allowed to have fun ever again," I groaned. "This is bullshit. It's not like you guys are perfect. How come I get singled out?"

"Because you're so shy?" Hawk suggested. "No one ever notices you. This is your chance."

I gave him a flat stare. If I was anything, it wasn't shy. I regretted letting Chantel talk me into stepping foot into that bar, but I didn't regret bowing. That was me. Always had been, always would be. I liked being the centre of attention. On the field, on the catwalk or out buying food, I didn't mind being noticed, and having pretty ladies stare, and let me sign their boobs. I worked hard to get where I was. Why shouldn't I enjoy every moment of it while it lasted?

"Shy, my ass," I muttered. "This is going to suck."

"No one said you have to become a nun." Hawk stood and grabbed up our empty glasses to take back to the bar. "Just do good things in public."

"I can do that," I said. As for being a nun, that was a low blow. He knew I thought about becoming a priest before my talent for football was discovered. Some might say both were a religion. Personally, I wouldn't, and I preferred to be called a football king than a football god, but I kept those thoughts to myself. My beliefs were my business, as far as I was concerned.

Except for praying before every game. Even guys who didn't believe did that. Just in case.

"Sure you can." Chase spoke in that way that suggested he didn't believe it for a minute.

I shrugged. "You wanna make a bet on that?"

Chase cocked his head at me. "Nope. I'd hate to take your money."

"No you wouldn't." I nodded my thanks as Hawk placed three beers on the table and slid one toward me.

"No, you're right, I wouldn't," Chase agreed. "I'm still not taking that bet."

"What bet is that?" Hawk asked. He chuckled when Chase explained. "Yeah, I wouldn't take that either. Grace will kick your butt in the right direction, whether you like it or not. By the time she's done, the whole world will think your shit doesn't stink."

"It doesn't," I said with a grin. "It smells like roses."

"Roses, my ass." Chase shook his head. "Keep telling yourself that." He stopped and looked thoughtful.

"No," Hawk said.

"What?" Chase frowned at him.

"Don't try to think up a prank to make his crap actually smell like roses," Hawk said.
