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It suddenly hit me. “He just called them,” I said. “He just called Anthony and Lorenzo. He doesn’t believe it’s them in the boxes.”

Stephen said out loud what I was thinking. “If it wasn’t Sal, this would be heartbreaking.”

“I’m going to enjoy watching Armando see this,” Ivan said. “He might be so crushed that we don’t even need to kill him. He’ll suffer the rest of his life as a poor man.”

“You might be on to something, Super Squish. If I had two functioning arms, I’d be able to hug you. But alas, here I lie. Completely useless,” I said, grinning at him.

“Not completely useless, sestrichka. Your brain still works,” Viktor said, laughing his deep belly laugh that always made everyone around him happier for hearing it.

Adrik left me with Andrei and Misha once again, so he could go back downstairs to deal with Armando. He wanted Armando to see the video and to know that Lorenzo was dead. After they left, Andrei had questions about Misha’s ability to see things. “Does it work on just anybody? Like, could you pick a random person and just spy on them?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried that,” Misha said.

“How have you never tried that? That would’ve been the first thing I tried,” Andrei said, laughing.

“Who do you want to know about, Bubba?” I asked.

Before Andrei could answer, Misha answered for him. “Tori.” I looked to Andrei, shocked that he would be curious about her still, even after everything. But I had to admit, I was curious about Max as well, so I couldn’t give him too much shit.

“Okay, I can’t say much here. I’m curious about Max too,” I said when Andrei looked somewhat worried about what we’d think of him. Misha got the faraway look in his eye that meant he was trying to see what he could about either one of them. He tried for a few minutes, but got nothing. I unwrapped my hand from the blanket, stretching it out to him. “What if I help?” I asked. He moved closer to me, as I was leaning against Andrei for maximum warmth.

He grabbed my hand, then said, “Tori first.” I nodded my head, trying to think about Tori. It took longer than normal, but we eventually saw her. She was in a house, sitting in a leather chair, having a conversation with an older man that I didn’t recognize immediately. She looked comfortable, like she knew the man. They were clearly having a pleasant conversation. She was intently listening to what he was saying, he appeared to be captivated by her response. Misha squeezed my hand, which usually meant he knew something I didn’t. “That’s one of Sal’s underbosses,” he said.

“Well, that’s an interesting twist I wasn’t expecting,” I said. The vision stopped when we started talking. I looked to Andrei, curious. “What made you want to know about Tori, Bubba? Did something happen?”

He shook his head no. “I haven’t heard anything from her since the day Boss fired her. But I’ve always been worried she was going to try and retaliate after he fired her. I thought Max was it, but then when you cut ties with Max completely, she likely figured out that plan wasn’t going to work. Her level of crazy was much higher than I think anyone else realizes.”

“She did get fired twice because of me,” I said.

“It’s more than that, spider monkey. She hated you before there was a reason to hate you. Getting fired just added fuel to the fire. If she’s talking to one of Sal’s underbosses, that can’t be good. She knows where the house is,” Andrei said.

“Would she be that stupid though?” I asked.

“Hate makes people do a lot of crazy things, gazelle. I don’t put anything past her. I do want to know how she knows Sal’s guy though,” Misha said.

“Do you know his name? Viktor can find out, I’m sure. He can find out anything, apparently,” I said.

“I don’t remember his name, but I know what he looks like. We keep records. I can find his name tomorrow,” Misha said.

“How do we get sound next time?” I asked. “I wanted to hear what she was saying, but couldn’t.”

Misha laughed. “You’re seriously asking me? You know more than I know, Sephie.”

“Well, that’s not helpful. I don’t know anything,” I said, holding my ribs so I could laugh.

“I think all you have to do is assume it’s going to happen and let it,” Andrei said. “The weird stuff seems to be happening faster now. It’ll happen soon. Much like your training, spider monkey, sometimes the power is in the surrender.”

“Bubba, how did you get to be so smart and so pretty at the same time?” I asked, grinning at him.

“I don’t know, spider monkey. I just woke up like this,” Andrei said, trying to keep a straight face.

I almost didn’t grab my ribs in time for the laughter to hit. “Dammit, warning!” I said, still laughing.

“Okay, now I’m curious about whether we can see Max,” Misha said.

Andrei laughed at him. “I can’t believe you’ve never thought to try this before now.”

I put my hand out for Misha and thought about Max this time. This time wasn’t any faster, but we did eventually see him. He was at work, flirting with the women at the bar like normal. Unlike the scene with Tori, the fast-forward button was hit and we were watching another scene unfold. The same man that Tori had been talking to was following Max as he was leaving the restaurant. Max, as usual, was texting and not paying attention to his surroundings, so he had no idea the man was behind him. Misha and I watched as the man walked up behind Max, pulled a gun, and shot him. I thought I screamed in my head, but Andrei was holding onto me once the vision stopped, trying to console me.
