Page 13 of Collision

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“The suspenders would be enough without the candy.” He grins.

I run my thumbs down the textured material holding up my turnout pants. It isn’t a requirement to wear our gear, but the kids love seeing us in it. I also knew I’d be able to wear my suspenders without it being weird.

“Is it all suspenders or just mine?” My voice deepens with the lust rising in me. Carter’s eyes scan my body. The desire in his eyes is clear, and I want nothing more than to pull him close to my body and kiss the hell out of him.

He steps closer, as if his thoughts are mirroring mine. “It’s just you wearing those.”

“Fuck,” I whisper. My chin drops to my chest, and I take a deep breath.

“Sorry.” Carter takes a step away from me, embarrassment flushing his cheeks.

My head snaps up. “Don’t you dare apologize. I just need to cool some things down while small children are running around.” I grin at him.

His shoulders soften, and a smile lights up his eyes. I’m about to ask him to grab dinner with me tonight when a kid comes barreling toward me, jumping up and down with excitement.

“Can I play again? If I get two rings this time, can I have two pieces of candy?” the boy asks. His parents walk up behind him with humor on their faces.

Carter starts to step away from me, and I stop him with an almost desperate demand. “We’ll talk later, yeah?”

He nods. “Yeah, we can talk later.”

With that, he walks over to the food table, where Nolan, Adam, and their sister, Sara, are standing.

I turn back to the kid who’s bouncing on his toes as he waits for me to collect the rings. He successfully lands two rings on the cones, and his whoop of excitement makes me laugh.

The next hour proceeds in much the same way until it’s finally time to bring out the birthday cake for Rick and Rodney. We have the crowd gather around the food table for a special announcement, and once they’re in place, Brody and I carry the banner outside as Taylor carries the cake.

The whole house begins to sing “Happy Birthday” as Rick and Rodney try to curse us out without actually using the words. The crowd cheers and joins in to sing, drowning out every protest they have.

Rick and Rodney work together to blow out the candles. Then a scoop of cake is suddenly shoved in my face, and an all-out war ensues until Tucker steps in to stop us from making a complete mockery of the house. We’re all dying of laughter by the end of it, and somehow, I’m the only one who ended up with cake actually on my person.

“Go get cleaned up, troublemaker. Then it’s time for the relay.” Tucker shoves my shoulder toward the house with a laugh.

“Hey, I’m not the one who started that,” I protest.

“Oh, trust me. Rodney will get an earful, too.”

Chuckling, I walk into the building to clean off the sticky cake. I’m glad Tucker wasn’t too mad at us. I knew Rodney and Rick would do something to get us back for surprising them. I just never imagined it would be the same day. Although, if I know them at all, they’ll do something else in a couple of weeks to get revenge.

Once I’m in the bathroom, I let out a laugh at the sight of my face. The white and red frosting is smeared across my cheek and covering my mouth. It’s even in my hair. I’d probably be better off taking a shower, but I don’t have time for that.

The door to the bathroom opens, and I speak before looking at who’s there, figuring it’s one of the guys. “Come to see the damage?”

“And to make sure you’re okay. Looked like Rodney smacked you pretty hard.”

I whip around in surprise. Carter’s blue eyes are scanning my face as an amused smirk quirks his lips.

“I’m okay. A bit of a mess, but unharmed.”

Carter steps closer to me and scoops a glob of frosting off my chin. He pops his finger into his mouth, and my body reacts instantly. Lust swoops through my belly, making my cock twitch with interest.

He reaches out a second time, gathering more frosting onto his finger, but I grab his wrist before he can pull away. With my gaze locked on his, I wrap my lips around his cake-covered digit.

Heat flares in Carter’s eyes as I suck the frosting off of him. Dragging my teeth across his skin, I pull his hand away from me.

“Fuck it,” Carter murmurs. And then he’s pressing his body against me, his lips crashing against mine in a demanding kiss.

Shock makes me freeze for half a second before I get myself together and take over. I palm the sides of his face and enjoy the fact that he’s only an inch or two shorter than I am. My lips devour his, savoring the taste of him. That spicy oak scent is colored by sugar, and with only one taste, I’m officially addicted.
