Page 20 of Collision

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“I wasn’t sure what to bring, so I just made some cookies. I hope you don’t have any allergies.” Carter lifts a large Tupperware container in the air.

“No, no allergies. But you didn’t have to do that.”

He shrugs. “I wanted to.”

His blue eyes twinkle under the lights in my foyer, and as I take him in, I find myself moving closer without a thought. I palm his cheeks and kiss him with a soft press of my lips against his. He hums in pleasure, the sound vibrating under my hands and lips. I tilt his head to one side to give myself more room to explore. He tastes like minty gum and lust, and I’m officially addicted to him.

How can one man have this big of an effect on me without even trying? I’ve dated my fair share of guys, but not a single one has ever given me butterflies and a boner at the same time the way Carter has.

Needing more of him, I push him until his back is pressed against my door. His little “oof” makes me smile. What other noises could I bring out of him? My cock fills at the thought of finding out.

One of Carter’s hands starts to roam my body as our kiss deepens. The slide of our tongues hints at what it could feel like in other places, and I press my body against his.

“Fuck,” I whisper when the hard ridge of his arousal grinds against my own.

“Do you smell that?” Carter frowns at me.

His question doesn’t quite penetrate my lust fog. “Mm-hmm. You smell fucking delicious. I just want to eat every inch of you.”

Carter whimpers and then shakes his head. “No. Sam, I think something’s burning.”

What he’s saying finally registers, and I pull away from him. The smell of smoke permeates the air.

“Oh, shit! The lasagna.” I sprint toward the kitchen and yank open the oven. Heat smacks me in the face as smoke spills into the room. I start to grab the blackened pan from the oven before coming to my senses and grabbing the pot holders.

Once the pan is on the stove, I stare at it in horror. How the fuck did I burn it this badly? I look at the timer on the oven only to see it still holding the number forty-five on the display. I must not have ever hit start when I set the timer.

My shoulders drop in defeat. “The whole thing is ruined.”

Carter’s arms wrap around my waist as he peaks over my shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay. Happens to the best of us. Maybe it’s just the top layer?”

Hope starts to niggle in my belly. I snatch up a spatula and start to scoop the top layer off. Underneath, the sauce is boiling but doesn’t seem to be burned. I grab a fork from one of the place settings I put out on the breakfast bar and dip it into the lasagna. After letting it cool for a second, I give it a try and immediately regret the decision. I end up spitting it out in the sink as Carter laughs.

“Definitely ruined. It tastes like straight ash.”

Carter grimaces with humor still shining in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Sam.”

I shrug to cover my disappointment.

“At least the smoke detectors aren’t going off,” he says right as the beeping begins. I look up at him, and we both start laughing at the absurdity of this whole situation. I race to open a window as well as the door to my backyard while Carter grabs a dish towel to wave away the smoke from the detector.

Finally, the screeching ends, bringing a ringing silence with it.

“Sooo, you know any good firefighters?” Carter teases.

“Ha ha. Very funny.” I stick my tongue out at him. “How does takeout sound?”



Itwirl my pasta with my fork, gathering a bite of chicken to go with it. La Mensa’s Alfredo cannot be beaten. I’ve tried many times to recreate it with no success. My sauce is fine, but it will never be as good as La Mensa’s.

“As much as I wish dinner would’ve worked out, the breadsticks more than make up for it,” Sam says as he takes a giant bite. He hums, and the sound sinks right to my belly. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our kiss earlier. He swept me up so quickly that it made me dizzy. I could’ve kissed him for hours without a care in the world.

“My sister is addicted to these things. I’m pretty sure she could eat them every day and never come close to being sick of them.”

“She still lives here in Sonoma, right?” Sam asks.
