Page 23 of Collision

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I pop up as quickly as I can to straddle his hips, grabbing my raging hard-on with a tight fist at the same time.

Sam makes eye contact with me, and the second our gazes meet, thick ropes spurt out of me and onto his chest. I shiver with aftershocks from the power of my orgasm, my chest heaving as I try to catch my breath.

“Damn, you’re a vision when you come,” Sam says with awe in his voice. “I want to see you do it again.”

“Give me twenty minutes to recover and I’ll see what I can do.” I grin at him.

“Bet I could get you ready in ten.” His cocky smirk makes my insides flip.

“I’ll take that bet.”

Sam sits up, careful of the mess on his stomach. “Then come shower with me.”



Strings of code spill across my computer until an error box pops up for the fourth time today. I groan in frustration.

“What the hell am I doing wrong?” I murmur to myself. With a sigh, I scroll to the top of my page and read through the code to try and find my mistake.

My instant messenger dings with a notification.

William: Hey, any chance you’ve got some time to walk through the issues on the database? I’ve found the problem, but I’m not sure how to proceed.

Me: I can talk now if that works.

My computer rings a second later with William’s name.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Thanks for taking the time to chat. Surprised you were able to step away that quickly.” His voice is deep and scratchy, as if he hasn’t used it much today.

“I’ve been fighting with this security code for the last hour, trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Your message was a good reason to take a step back.”

“Well, I’m bringing you a solid distraction. I ended up digging into the original code we transferred over from the scoring programs and found that they’d been edited to inflate the scores.”

“What? That doesn’t make sense. I didn’t think those codes could be changed.”

“Neither did I. That’s why I wanted to talk to you about it. Someone purposefully went in and changed it to make the data score better.” William’s conclusion sends a knot of dread through me. These scoring programs take the information our researchers gather while conducting their studies and put a numerical value to the data. After the data is entered into the program and scored, the research team is then able to analyze those scores to decide whether or not the medication or medical device is having a positive effect on the participant. We heavily rely on those test scores to move a product forward in production. Without accurate data, the outcome of a research study could be greatly affected. If this program is inflating scores, then a medication could be approved for public use when in all actuality it’s not safe for people to consume.

“How many programs were affected?”

“One of the forty we uploaded. Specifically the RetLab program.”

I snort. “You’re incredible, Will. I swear.” I’ve never met a man who was so thorough in his work. “Okay, let’s go ahead and update the programs so it’ll score the data accurately, and I’ll take this information to the higher-ups. We’re going to need to find out if that program was altered when it was sent to us or if it happened after we created the database.”

“If they were changed before we got them, every piece of data is going to need to be rescored.”

I blow out a breath. “Yeah.”

“I do not envy your job right now.” He huffs a humorless laugh.

“I appreciate the encouragement,” I tease. “Thanks for putting in the work, William.”


I click the red End button on my screen and run my hands through my hair. What a shitstorm. If our researchers have been using inaccurate scoring programs, their studies could be compromised. That will affect funding and outcomes. We’re dealing with people’s lives here. Jesus. This is not good.
