Page 26 of Collision

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“We don’t drink as much beer as you do.” Adam digs the toe of his cleat into Nolan’s side.

Nolan swats him half-heartedly. “Fucking pub. Biting me in the ass,” he murmurs.

I snort and plop down next to him to stretch out my muscles before they get too stiff.

Nolan sits up fast as a thought pops into his head. “I stopped by your house Sunday night and you weren’t home. Where were you?”

If I wasn’t already flushed from exertion, my siblings would’ve known something was up immediately. “Hanging out with a friend.”

“What friend?” Nolan’s eyes are narrowed in suspicion but suddenly widen with knowledge. “A certain firefighter friend?”

“Are you hanging out with a firefighter? Hot,” Sara pipes up with a grin.

I sigh in resignation. They’re not going to let this go. “Fine. Yes, I was with Sam. He works with Tucker at SFD.”

“Yes!” Nolan fist pumps. “I am so here for this. Are you going to bring him to family dinner?”

I look at Nolan like he’s an idiot. “No, jackass. We only just started hanging out. Why would I suddenly bring him to dinner?” I’m pretending like I’m not getting butterflies of excitement at the idea of introducing Sam to my family. I’ve never had the desire to bring a guy I’m seeing home. Ever. Until now, apparently.

“Yeesh. I was just askin’. So sensitive all of a sudden.” Nolan jabs his elbow into my ribs to let me know he’s teasing.

It makes me feel bad for getting so defensive. “Sorry. It’s just new, and…” I glance up at my siblings. “I really like him.”

Each one of them gets hearts in their eyes at my admission. It makes me blush.

“The good news is, we can sic Tucker on him if he breaks your heart.” Sara wiggles her eyebrows up and down.

“Yeah, I bet that asshole can come up with some shitty punishments,” Nolan adds.

I roll my eyes. “You guys are ridiculous. I’m out of here. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be just as sucky as today was.”

Except, I get to see Sam tomorrow.



Iscroll through the shows on Netflix, trying to pick something to watch. It’s only one in the afternoon, and I’m already antsy to head to Westlake.

I’ve always loved the shift schedule we run at the FD. I have to work twenty-four hours straight, but then I get forty-eight off. The only time that doesn’t apply is when I take an extra shift for someone who needs time off.

Right now, I’m cursing having all this downtime. I have nothing to distract me until it’s time to go to Carter’s house for dinner. It’s maddening. A regular nine-to-five would provide that, but I’d miss the extra days off.

My vibrating cell brings a welcome reprieve until I see it’s my mom calling. Gritting my teeth, I prepare myself for the news that she has a new boyfriend already.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, honey!” The excitement in her voice has me taking a deep breath. “I have some amazing news.”


“I got a job!” Her squeal simultaneously pierces my ear and makes me grin.

“Are you serious?”

“Don’t act so surprised. Your mama’s still got it.”

I laugh. “I’m not surprised. I always knew you had it in you to nail an interview. I’m just excited. What’s the job?” For years, my mom has struggled with nerves when it comes to interviewing for good jobs. Having to talk about her background always embarrassed her, and if she got an interview, she would blow it every time. I could understand to a certain degree. She got pregnant with me when she was seventeen, forcing her to drop out of school when she didn’t have the support she needed. She had to work extremely hard to get her GED while trying to be a single mother. It was never easy for her to bring in enough money for the two of us. Having to explain why she has a GED and her spotty work history wouldn’t be easy.
