Page 38 of Collision

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Once I get the trays onto the stove to rest, I sneak off to my bunk to have a moment to myself.

“It was okay. We got called to a nasty house fire today, and I had to pull a teenage girl out. I haven’t heard if she’s okay or not, so I’m a little unsettled about it.”

“I’m sorry, Sam. That can’t be easy on you to have to be in the dark about the victims.”

“No, it fucking sucks. Especially when they’re young like her.” I notice the tightness in my shoulders easing as I tell Carter more about the fire. I never knew being able to decompress with someone could be this healing. The guys in the house were at the fire, so while they understand what I’m feeling, they’re going through the same things. Talking with someone separate from the trauma of being a first responder feels easier.

Tucker comes walking into the bunk room. “Wanted you to know the girl will be fine. She’s being treated for the smoke inhalation but will recover completely.”

Relief swamps me. “Thank God. Thanks, Cap.”

He nods and walks back out of the room.

“She’s going to be okay?” Carter asks in my ear.

“Yeah.” I blow out a breath.

“That’s great news, Smoky.” The nickname makes me smile.

“I probably should go feed the troops if they haven’t already dug in,” I say with reluctance.

“Yeah, Tucker’s told us you guys can be feral when it comes to good food. Don’t want to be the reason you miss out on dinner.”

I laugh. “No truer words. I’ll text you later?”

“That would be great. Bye, Smoky. Be safe.”

“I will. Bye, Carter.” I carry the warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest around with me the rest of the night. I’m falling hard and fast for a man I never dreamed would want anything to do with me. But a thread of unease tries to push through. His ex could be a problem. What if something happens while I’m on shift?



Iswipe my hands down my face in frustration. It’s been two weeks since I started digging into the source of our database issue, and I’m no closer to finding a solution than I was when took the project on. What’s worse is I have other projects that need my attention. I’ve been working longer hours just to get everything done, and I’m going crazy. I shouldn’t even be in my office on a Saturday morning, but here I am anyway.

Sam and I haven’t gotten to spend much time together despite trying our best to make our schedules line up.

I miss him.

Which, of course, makes me feel silly. We’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks. The idea of me missing him seems preposterous, but I can’t deny how I feel.

I turn my phone off of Do Not Disturb to find a text from Sam.


I’m on my way to your house. Pack a bag, baby. I’m kidnapping you.

I frown. What’s he talking about? Kidnapping me?

A knock on my door has me sprinting out of my office. Sam stands on my front step with a giant smile on his face.

“Hi, you got a bag ready?”

I move out of the doorway. “No, I only just saw your text. What am I packing for?”

Sam walks to my bedroom, and I blindly follow behind him. “It’s a surprise. All you need is some sturdy boots—tennis shoes will work if you don’t have boots—and some comfortable shorts and T-shirts. Your toothbrush might be a good idea, too.”

Without asking questions, I grab a bag from my closet, and Sam helps me put things inside. I grab a couple more toiletries besides my toothbrush and put them in my bag. I walk out to find Sam holding up a black jock strap.
