Page 41 of Collision

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“We’re only going a few miles. The views will be worth it,” I promised him.

“I smell like sweaty bug spray, Smoky. I don’t think anything would be worth that.”

“I happened to like the way that smells,” I teased.

“Huh-uh. Nope. You will not be getting anywhere near the sweat mess that is my body right now. I would like to keep my dignity, thank you.”

I had to bite my knuckle to keep from laughing at that. I knew he was completely serious, though, so I managed to hold it in with a cough.

But then we got to the end of our hike where we watched a waterfall crash into the small pool below, and he wrapped his arms around my waist as he took in the sight.

“Okay, this is really pretty,” he said quietly.

I just squeezed him tighter to me. I was so grateful to have him by my side at that moment that I was tempted to start spouting words that started with an L. I barely managed to keep it inside and was thankful when he said, “You’re going to carry me back down, right?”

We started giggling, and the moment passed.

When we got back to camp, I cooked us burgers over the fire, and his grin while I made them was teasing enough I didn’t need him to say the words. I knew he was thinking I’d burn down the whole forest, but luckily for him, I’m a master at grilling any form of meat.

“Okay, I have to confess. This is pretty nice. I don’t think I’ll ever be an avid hiker, but I could probably get used to this,” Carter says quietly.

I press a kiss to the top of his head. “This is my favorite part. When the moon and stars provide the only light, aside from the fire, and all you can hear are the sounds of the nocturnal animals just waking up for the evening.”

“It’s very relaxing. Thank you for putting up with all my grumbling.”

“Completely worth it if I get to snuggle with you the rest of the evening.”

Carter pinches my side. “Hey, you were supposed to say it wasn’t that bad. Or you found it cute or something.”

I chuckle at his outrage. “You were pretty damn cute, I’ll give you that. I’m just glad you didn’t break up with me the minute we pulled into the campground.”

“Nah, I may not be your typical outdoorsy guy, but I’m willing to do just about anything as long as you’re with me.”

“Is that so? Want to go fishing tomorrow?” I tease.

“Fuck no.”

We both start laughing. I’m sure I could get away with a lot of things, but getting Carter to hold a fish isn’t one of them.

He tilts his head up, his gorgeous, lopsided smile filling his face. I cup his cheek and lean in to kiss him with all the reverence I can muster. Words won’t accurately describe how grateful I am to have him by my side tonight.

“Is it time for bed yet?” He smirks against my lips.

I grin. “Absolutely.”

Carter heads to the tent while I bank the fire and clean up the little bit of mess we had left from dinner. My body is revved up by only the image of him in the tent waiting for me. It makes me race through getting things put away until I can finally join him.

I find him in the dim glow of the battery-operated lamp hanging from the roof of the tent. He’s lying in the center of the air mattress on his belly, his glorious ass in full view. My cock pulses at the sight.

“Jesus Christ.” The words come out on a breath.

He looks over his shoulder with a smirk. “You’re entirely overdressed for this party.”

I fumble with my clothes, ripping them off when they get stuck in my hurry to join him in bed. I start to step toward him and trip myself on my pants. “Goddammit.”

Carter laughs as he sits up. He grabs my arm to help steady me, and I land next to him with a bounce.

“What’s the hurry? We have all night.” Carter runs his nose up my neck, his breath tickling my skin. His chest presses into my side, and I wrap my arm around his waist to pull him closer.
