Page 46 of Collision

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I glance at Sam, who’s smirking at me. “Yeah, but just until I can get all my stuff cleaned up and replaced.”

“I’ll take it,” Mom says triumphantly.

Adam hands me the list of things I’ll need to send to my insurance company. It’s overwhelming, but I’m glad I didn’t have to do this by myself. Then my family says goodbye to me and Sam before climbing into their cars to head home.

I turn in Sam’s arms that haven’t left my body and dig my nose into his neck. “Thank you for dealing with my crazy family for me.”

“I was happy to do it. They’re really great, Carter.”

“Yeah, they’re pains in the ass, but I love them. How bad was the interrogation in the house?”

“We didn’t talk much while we were in there. I think they knew now wasn’t exactly the time to get to know me.” He presses a kiss to my temple. “I wish I didn’t have a shift tomorrow.”

“Me, too. I’d much rather stay with you than my parents.”

Sam laughs at the disgust in my voice. “How about you stay with me when I’m off?”

“Sounds like a plan.” I pull back just far enough to kiss him. “I owe you a shower.”

“And I will collect on it.”



“It smells great in here.” I press a kiss to Carter’s neck, looking over his shoulder to see how dinner’s coming.

“Thanks. It’s just about ready.” He leans back into me as he stirs the white sauce that’s bubbling on the stove. The man made homemade ravioli. It blows me away at the things he does without any effort at all.

“Cooper and Quinn should be here any minute. Can I help with anything?” I ask.

“Maybe grab down the plates and stuff? I figure we can serve ourselves and then eat at the table.”

“On it.” While I get the cutlery together, Carter pulls out some cheesy garlic bread that makes my mouth water.

A knock on the door announces the arrival of Cooper and Quinn, and I rush across the house to open the door for them. Carter and I asked them to come over when we got a whole lot of nothing from the officers who processed the scene of the break-in. It’s been almost a week, and there hasn’t been a single update.

I didn’t expect them to find the guy immediately, but I had hoped there’d be some form of progress.

“Hey, guys, come on in.” I move away from the door to let Cooper and Quinn inside the house. Baby Charlotte is snuggled in her dad’s arms, and I can’t deny that the guy looks hotter than hell with a baby in his arms. Cooper’s always been good-looking with his short, cropped brown hair and amber-colored eyes, but fatherhood suits him just as much as his uniform does.

I lean in to kiss Quinn on her cheek. She’s tall with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She’s also just about the sweetest woman I’ve ever met.

“You guys holding up okay?” We walk into the living room, where Quinn drops off the diaper bag while Carter sets the car seat down next to the couch.

“As well as we can be. It’s getting better now that Charlotte isn’t waking up screaming every two hours.”

I grimace. “We really appreciate you guys coming over.”

Cooper pats me on the shoulder. “Honestly, it’s kind of nice to have an adult conversation with someone outside of our family.”

I laugh at that. “I can only imagine.”

Carter comes over to say hello. “Hey, Cooper. Quinn, it’s nice to see you guys again.”

“You, too. I’m so sorry to hear about the break-in,” Quinn says.

“Thanks. I appreciate you guys coming over to talk with me about it. I’m sure there are other things you would rather be doing instead.”
