Page 48 of Collision

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Cooper smiles at her in amusement. “Agreed.”

Quinn narrows her watery eyes at him. “About which part?”

“Both. I’m happy to see them happy, and I hate how the hormones have been hard on you.”

“Humph.” Quinn sniffs. The laughter in her eyes gives away her enjoyment of his answer.

Carter heads into the kitchen to put dessert together while the rest of us stay at the table.

Quinn grins at me almost maniacally. “Please let me tell Alice you’re dating Carter. She’s been hounding us to think of people to set you up with.”

I bark out a laugh and then cringe as I wait on pins and needles to see if I woke up Charlotte.

Thankfully, she stays out cold, and I shake my head. “Whew. Close one. Anyway, yes. You can tell her but only on one condition.”


“You have to make sure she knows I told you to tell her since you’ll see her first. If you tell her as if I’m keeping it a secret from her, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

Cooper busts out laughing while Quinn giggles. “You know her so well. But I agree to your terms.” Quinn claps her hands with excitement.

I catch Carter’s gaze in the kitchen, and he winks at me. I’ve never known happiness like this. I’ve felt contentment, anxiety, restlessness, and you name it when it comes to dating. But being with Carter brings me a sense of completion. As if I’ve been waiting for him specifically to come into my life.

This is what I’ve always wanted. Now I just have to ensure I never lose it.



“How would I know if I’m bisexual?”

The sip of beer I just took goes straight out of my nose at Nolan’s question.

“Jesus, Nolan. Warn a guy before you say something like that. What the fuck are you talking about?” I glance around to make sure Tucker and Natalie’s son, Noah, isn’t anywhere close. Thankfully, we’re alone in the living room of my parents’ house, which is probably the reason Nolan decided to ask his question.

He heaves a big sigh. “I’m striking out in the women department, brother. Like… I’ve been dessert dry for, like, three months.”

“And why does that make you question your sexuality?”

“Not a single one is doing it for me. Like, negative attraction. I was just thinking that maybe I’m no longer attracted to them and should switch to men.”

I look at Nolan’s face and realize he’s being 100 percent serious. This isn’t a joke to him. “Well…” I inhale and hold it as I try to figure out a way to help him decide if he’s bisexual or not. Finally, I blow out the breath I’m holding and put it to him straight. “Have you ever fantasized about another guy’s cock?”

Nolan frowns. “I mean, I’ve always wondered what a dick would feel like in my mouth.”

I purse my lips. “In the sense that you’d want to get someone off or just sheer curiosity?”

“Huh. Curiosity, I guess.” I give him a second to think about it. “Yeah, now that you mention it, I don’t think I’d particularly enjoy having someone blow their load in my mouth. It’s one thing to kiss a girl after she’s done it for me; that’s just good manners. Not to mention it’s hot as fuck.”

“There ya go. It’s pretty rude to expect the guy to go down on you and not do the same for him.”

Nolan grins at me. “Thanks, bro.” He stands from the couch and heads back into the kitchen. I shake my head in exasperation. I never know what’s going to come out of Nolan’s mouth.

Thankfully, Matthew and his girlfriend, Tilly, come walking in with Adam and Ellie right behind them. Ellie and Tilly are giggling about something, and it’s so nice to see Tilly smiling. She and Matthew just got home from New York, and from what Matthew has said, she’s been struggling to overcome her trauma.

I stand to say hello, hugging my brothers and Ellie first. When Tilly steps into me for a side hug, I give her an extra squeeze. Matthew’s soft smile when he looks at her makes me happy.

“It’s good to have you home, Tills. I missed watching you kick Nolan’s ass at Mario Kart,” I tease her.
