Page 50 of Collision

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My phone buzzes as we find our places at the packed table.


You’re kidding.

Did you help him figure it out?


Yeah, I asked him to imagine giving a blow job, and he quickly decided being bi wasn’t for him.


I’m dying. That’s funny as fuck.


He’s something else, I tell ya. Is it weird to say I wish you were here?


Not in the slightest. I’m glad you want me to spend time with your family. I like them. They’re fun.


If I made sure the next one wasn’t when you were on shift, would you want to come?



My grin is electric as I tuck my phone away before Mom can get on to me for having it out.

“Ellie and I have decided on a wedding date,” Adam announces, causing everyone around the table to stop talking instantly.

“Really?” Mom squeals.

Adam grabs Ellie’s hand. “We don’t want any major fanfare, so we booked the church in Sonoma for September. It’s just going to be us and a few friends. However, we will have photos done, and those will be shared with the public.”

“That sounds perfect.” Sara smiles.

“What about you guys? Have you talked about dates yet?” Mom asks Sara and Ben.

“Not yet. We’re not in any hurry right now,” Ben answers, much to Mom’s disappointment. Thankfully, she doesn’t say anything more about it, and we dig into dinner. Conversation flows around the table. As usual, I sit back and listen, only offering input when I have something I want to add. Being the quiet one of a very large family allows me to pay attention to things my siblings normally miss.

I used to worry about how hard Matthew and Adam were working to build their company. I could see how lonely Sara was despite her attempts at feigning indifference. Nolan was brilliant at hiding behind his clown act when I knew he was struggling to find his purpose.

I see each of my siblings now and can’t imagine they could be any happier. Maybe that’s why I’m this happy with Sam. The worry I harbored for my siblings isn’t as strong anymore, which has made room for Sam to worm his way into my heart.

I’m sure I’ll always worry about my siblings, but now I have someone to share those worries with. How refreshing is that?



Brody pushes the shopping cart down the aisle while I grab items off the shelf. The rest of the crew is spread throughout the grocery store. Each of us took a portion of the shopping list to make this trip go faster. It’s never fun when we get called out while we’re in the middle of buying groceries.

“How’s your mom doing?” Brody asks, grabbing some flour off the shelf.
