Page 59 of Collision

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“You will. You’re just looking too hard. Not a single one of us was actively looking for love when it smacked us in the face. Your time will come,” Adam says.

“Thank you, oh wise one.” Nolan presses his palms together and bows over his hands.

Adam rolls his eyes.

He isn’t wrong, though. Sara and Ben hated each other when they first met. Adam and Ellie were coworkers first. Ellie drove Adam so crazy with her silly antics we thought he would fire her. Tilly showed up on Matthew’s doorstep without notice, and I ran smack dab into my dream guy because I wasn’t paying attention. Even Natalie and Tucker got together because of random happenstance.

Fate has a funny way of bringing people together when you least expect it. I have a feeling whoever Nolan is meant to be with just hasn’t been in the right place at the right time. And when that happens, he’s going to fall hard and fast.

I look over at Sam, who’s laughing at a story Matthew is telling us about a guy from his intramural soccer league. When Sam looks back at me, his eyes soften.

“I love you.” I lean in for a quick kiss.

“Hmmm. What was that for?” he asks.

“I’m just happy to have you here.”

“I’m glad to be here. And I love you, too.”



Hanging out with Carter’s family was eye-opening. For starters, there’s like a million of them. Being packed around that table with competing voices and conversations was tough to keep up with.

Then there’s the bond between the siblings I can’t fully describe. It’s as if they’re all connected by some invisible string that allows them to trust each other without question. I’ve never seen anything like it. I felt so separated from them in that moment. It wasn’t exactly a bad thing; it just made me realize how very different my life was compared to Carter’s.

It was overwhelming, to say the least. I feel like I held my own enough to not make a fool of myself, though. Carter seemed happier than I’d ever seen him. I’d like to say it was because of me, but it could’ve just been a product of being around his family.

My thoughts continue to swirl as I drive into Greensboro. I had a Saturday off, and Mom asked me to come for a visit. I haven’t seen her since she got the new apartment.

In my passenger seat is a container of Carter’s monster cookies. He made them for me last night when I told him Mom had been begging me to come for a visit. He said that since he couldn’t come with me himself, he’d send a little present in his place.

Adam and Matthew’s Fit for All foundation is putting on a free sports training camp for any kid who wants to participate. Carter volunteered to help lead some of the drills they were offering to the kids. I wanted to be there, too, but Mom guilted me into coming to see her instead. Carter promised me there would be plenty of other opportunities to volunteer.

When I pull into the parking lot of my mom’s apartment complex, I can’t help but smile at how different her life seems now. The security system for the main doors actually works, and the building doesn’t look like one stiff breeze would knock it down. There aren’t dirty needles in the dead grass or plywood over the windows. It’s a great place.

She’s finally turned a corner. I couldn’t be prouder of her.

I send her a text that I’m outside and then head toward the doors for her to let me in. She’s already standing there when I get to the entrance, and I laugh at the grin on her face.

“I swear this will never get old,” she says when she opens the door.

“No, I can’t say that knowing you are safe will ever get old for me either.” I lean in to kiss her on the cheek.

“How are ya, honey?” We walk to the elevators side by side. Everyone else seems to be out and about today. The complex is super quiet compared to the last time I was here.

“I’m doing good, Mom. Real good.”

“And you’re still happy with your boyfriend?”

Once we’re on Mom’s floor, we walk down the hallway to her small one-bedroom. The living room and kitchen share the main space, and her bedroom and bathroom are toward the back.

“I’m very happy. We’ve only been dating for a couple of months and have already said I love you. It’s probably fast, but it’s what we want.”

“And Lord knows you’ve had plenty of examples of the wrong kind of guy. I’m not surprised you’d move quickly when you found the right one for you.”

I don’t say that I agree with her out loud, but it is true. I learned the signs early on of what to look out for based on the examples she set.
