Page 63 of Collision

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“But the lymphoma team uses the same scoring program. Shouldn’t they have noticed something?”

“Not necessarily. They could’ve transferred the data over and not have double-checked the results.”

Except, I checked their data, and there weren’t any errors. While Inez is talking, I pull up the database to determine if my updates affected their scores.

“Anyway, while I was up there, I had them go through their data entry process just to make sure they weren’t doing something incorrectly, which they weren’t. Then I had them use the original RetLab scoring program as you suggested, and it gave the same errors as the database.”


“I don’t know how that’s possible, Carter. I checked the program myself and so did Paul after the original database snafu. It should be running as the manufacturer intended.”

“So, what do we do? Tell everyone at Pharmatech to not use either the original RetLab program or the one in the database?”

“Maybe? But that’s not all. Here’s where it gets even weirder. Dr. Hutton from the lymphoma lab came into the office to ask what we’re working on.”

“Why would he have done that?”

“Exactly. I told him we’re having issues with RetLab and to hold off on any data entry. He said his lab wasn’t having any problems with the program, and then he asked if I’d done something to change the code. I told him you and I are looking into what the problem could be, and maybe I’m reading into this, but… Carter… something in his eyes changed. He walked out soon after, so it could’ve just been my imagination, but it was weird.”

“He could just be pissed that his data might be wrong.”

But then I focus on my screen to find that the data entered into the database is all erroring out. None of it is accurate.

“Inez, I think we need to take this to Tom. This isn’t right.”

“I thought he was out on PTO.”

“Shit. Yeah, he won’t be back until Monday.”

“So, what should we do for the next few days? People are still trying to enter their data into the database right now.”

“As far as I can tell, it’s just the RetLab program we’re concerned with, correct?”

“I think so.”

“Then I’ll put a block on anyone using that specific program so everyone else can still enter data. Be prepared to respond to any emails about the block with the message that we’re making some updates.”

“Sounds good. Thanks for talking me down off the ledge.” Inez’s humorless laugh tells me whatever Dr. Hutton did really freaked her out.

“Thanks for bringing this to my attention. We’ll get it sorted, and maybe stick around the office for the day if you can.” I’d rather not have Inez take any shit for something she can’t control. Researchers can be hateful if something is messing with their studies.

“I plan on it.”



With quick strides, I make my way toward Carter’s front door. When I step into his house, I’m expecting the delicious smells of whatever he made for dinner. Instead, I find an assortment of ingredients spread out on the counter as if he was going to start cooking but stopped right after getting everything prepped. Carter is bent over the breakfast bar, reading something on his iPad.

His navy blue running shorts are stretched across his ass, which totally makes up for the lack of food aromas. I’d take that sight over food any day.

“Hey, whatcha doing?” I move across the house to wrap my arms around his waist. I press a kiss into his neck in hello.

“I am familiarizing myself with this recipe. I thought it would be delicious, but because I’m me, I’m trying to decide if I should change it a little to make it better.”

“Mmm. I’m always up for one of your experiments.”

“Good, because you’re going to be a part of it.” Carter finally turns around to give me a proper kiss. I’m too distracted for his words to fully register right away.
