Page 66 of Collision

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I twist, breaking his hold. I straighten to my full height, not letting this pathetic prick scare me anymore. “This is over. I don’t want to see you ever again. It’s time for you to find someone else to manipulate. You have no hold on me anymore.” His shock allows me to get into my car, and, much to my surprise, he steps back, allowing me to leave.

As I’m pulling out of the space, I glance one last time at Chase. He’s no longer smiling. Instead, he’s looking at me more seriously than I’ve ever seen.

And then he nods.

It’s quick. So quick I wouldn’t have caught it if I wasn’t looking directly at him. With that one gesture, I know he’s finally stepping back. He’s accepting that I am no longer under his thumb. I don’t believe for a second that he’s backing off because I asked him to. He’s backing off because he doesn’t have control over me like he once did.

But the reason doesn’t matter. I’m finally free.



Igot home, practically walking on cloud nine, knowing I would never need to deal with Chase again. The treats for Sam are made by lunch, which gives me plenty of time to eat something before I leave.

I reheat some leftovers for myself, and when I’m done eating, I head to Sonoma to drop off my treats. If they’re not out on a call, they should be digging into lunch right about now.

When I pull into the parking lot, I’m met with the hottest sight I think I’ve ever encountered.

The guys have the fire trucks pulled out of the bay and are hosing them down. Most of the guys are wearing white tanks, a couple have their shirts off, and oh, holy God, there’s Sam.

It’s like everything drops into slow motion as he walks around the truck. He slings a towel over his bare shoulder while his fingers brush his blond hair off his forehead. His navy blue pants are slung low on his hips, showing off the V-lines I’ve become fond of licking.

I was not prepared to pop a boner before coming to the station. What do I do? Okay, think bad thoughts. Erasing an entire line of code on accident… burning dinner… running into Chase. That last one does the trick.

Well, at least until I get out of the car, only to see Sam goofing around, wiggling his butt as if he’s dancing to a song I can’t hear. It makes me laugh, which has him turning to see who’s here. The smile that lights up his face when he sees me makes my heart all gooey.

Sam jogs over to greet me. “Hey, baby.” He presses a quick kiss to my mouth. “What are you doing here?”

“I was bored and thought I’d bring you guys a treat. I wasn’t prepared for a show when I got here.” I take in the other guys. Brody and Daniel are the only other ones who have their shirts off, and they’re as ripped as Sam is.

“I’m over here,” Sam grumbles.

“I know.” I take my time looking back at him and wink.

He pinches my ass. “What did you bring?”

“Double-stuffed Rice Krispies treats.” I hold up the two large containers.

“Hmmm. I’d like to stuff you,” Sam says into my ear.

I roll my eyes, but the shiver his words send down my spine gives me away.

“Fuck, I wish we could sneak away for a few minutes,” Sam groans. He takes the containers from me and nods his head toward the station. “We’re just about done, though, if you want to hang out in the bay for a few minutes while we clean up?”

“Sounds good.” I sit in one of the chairs Sam gets out for me and then enjoy watching my man do his job for the next twenty minutes.

When they’re done, we head inside to where Taylor and Charlie are setting out a lunch of cold sandwiches and chips.

“Are you staying to eat?” Sam asks.

“I’m staying, but I had lunch before I came over.” I’m not even finished with the sentence before Sam is headed toward the line. He throws an elbow at Daniel to cut in front of him and ends up the third person in line behind Charlie and Taylor.

“Asshole,” Daniel grunts.

“Gotta be prepared to throw hands, son. And I was not going to get stuck behind Rodney and Rick this time. They take all the good stuff and leave us with shit.”

Daniel looks behind him, holding his hand out where no one else is waiting in line to make his point. Sam just grins at him.
