Page 68 of Collision

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“Then that’s great news. I’m so happy you’ll never have to deal with him again.” Sam’s shoulders finally lose the tension that had wound him up. He palms my cheek and presses a kiss to my lips. “I’m really glad you stopped by.”

“Me, too. Next time, I’ll make extras.”

“Nah, they’d eat all of those just as fast. And then they’d be too hopped up on sugar to want to do their jobs.”

“You sound like their boss. Have you ever wanted to be a captain or whatever, like Tucker?”

“Too much responsibility for me. I like my job, and it pays well enough.”

“That’s the most important thing, then. That you’re happy.”

“I am.” His eyes get this sparkle to them, making me wonder if he’s talking about more than his job.

“I love you.” I press a kiss against his lips. When he hums into it, I have to remind myself we’re in a public parking lot right outside where he works.

He pulls away first. “I love you back. Thanks for bringing us treats. I’ll be enjoying them tonight when I get into bed.”

“Ooo. Kinky.”

He laughs as I get into my car and drive away. It’s going to be a lonely night. One of many to come if things continue going as well as they are for us. What if we lived together? Then we’d see a whole lot more of each other than we do now. I could get behind that idea… real fast.

Before I know it, I’m pulling into my garage. I grab the empty containers from the passenger seat and head inside. What am I going to do for the rest of the night?

I’ve barely crossed the threshold into my house when a large, muscular guy walks out from the hallway. “Who the hell are you?”

“Oh, good, you’re home. Now I won’t have to wait for you to get back.” He flicks his chin up, and it’s then I notice the two other guys in my house.

They grab my arms, their fingers digging painfully into my biceps. I’m dragged across the room and shoved to my knees in front of mister mafia boss. Or whoever this guy is. He can’t be good if he’s breaking into people’s houses and hurting them.

“What do you want with me? Why are you even here?” I try to keep my voice even, but the fear pulsing through me makes me shake.

“We’re here to give you a warning. Tell your boss what you found and you won’t like the consequences.”

I scowl. “This is about my job? I didn’t think I worked for the mafia.”

“We aren’t the mafia.”

I shouldn’t provoke them, but the words fly out before I can stop them. “Psh. Sure. Okay.”

“We gave you the warning. That’s all that matters.”

“Fine. I heard you. You can let me go now.”

“Except, the words aren’t enough. You need to know how serious my employer is.” The Michael Corleone wannabe nods his head at his thugs.

Blinding pain explodes across my face. Fists land on my ribs, my back, my hips. Each hit is calculated for maximum pain, and all I can do is lie there and take it. I’m not a fighter. I’m not Sara or Nolan. I don’t know how to even throw a punch. So I wait for it to be over. Like a coward.

Finally, they pull back, both of them breathing hard with exertion.

“Continue on your path and you’ll get much worse.”

As those words echo in my head, I black out.



“What do you have over there?” Rodney’s voice carries across the rec room. I’m not exactly hiding, just not broadcasting what I’m eating for my evening snack.
