Page 71 of Collision

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We follow her deeper into the waiting room. I’m surprised when I get hugs from everyone. Sara, Natalie, Ellie, Nolan, and even Tilly give me an affectionate squeeze on my arm while Matthew pulls me into his chest. I’m only just now realizing that they see me as part of their family. I’m not just some boyfriend who’s worried about Carter. He means so much more to me, and his family seems to recognize that. It makes me feel incredibly loved and included. Especially when I need a support system the most.

“Cindy?” I turn around to find a tiny woman no taller than five feet with dark hair approaching our group. This must be the person who’s been updating everyone since Carter came into the ER. “Is it okay to give you an update here, or do you want to go somewhere else?”

“Here is fine. We’re all family. What’s happening?”

“He has a punctured lung, so we are prepping him for surgery. As of right now, his brain seems to be fine, but he took a lot of damage to his skull. We’ll be monitoring that until we’re confident he’s out of the woods. I’ll have a nurse bring you an update on the surgery, but it’ll be a little while.”

“Thanks, Dia,” Cindy responds. In the back of my mind, I wonder if Cindy knows her well or just happens to know her name from earlier. I’m too worried about Carter to ask, though.

Without any words, we all find chairs and settle in for the wait.

Please be okay.

I can’t lose him. I only just found him.



Have the police been through the security footage yet?

They’ve kept a tight lid on their investigation so far.

Should we call Cooper? Maybe he can help.

It’s not his jurisdiction. There’s nothing he can do.

The voices float away as I slip back into unconsciousness. Something is telling me I should wake up now, but my body isn’t ready yet. I’m too tired to fight. I’ve never experienced exhaustion like this before. My body feels weighed down, as if I’ve been tied to the bed. And maybe I have been. Who knows? I’m not even certain which bed I’m in. Mine, I’d guess, but why would I hear my siblings’ voices in my bedroom?

My favorite person’s voice has my brain surfacing again. “I selfishly want you to wake up. I miss you like crazy. But don’t wake up until you’re ready, okay? I want you healed more than I want to see your blue eyes again.”

I try. I try so hard to open my eyes. I want to see Sam, too, but I don’t have it in me. I fall once more into that dreamless sleep.

“His body went through a major trauma. Right now, it’s doing whatever it takes to heal. He’ll wake up when he’s ready. Just have some patience with him.”

A major trauma? What does that mean?

“Easy for you to say,” Sam mumbles. His hand tightens in mine. I’ve always loved that feeling. There’s nothing better than having Sam’s hand in mine. It’s as if he’s telling me he has my back, no matter what.

I do my best to squeeze his hand in return. It’s more of a twitch than a squeeze, but he gasps. “Carter? Baby, can you hear me?”

“Hmmm.” It’s not a word, and I’m still not ready to open my eyes yet, but I want him to know I’m still here.

“Thank God.” Pressure lands on my bicep, and I’m imagining him pressing his forehead against me.

I stay still, waiting for my brain to drag me back under as it’s been doing the minute I reach consciousness. This time, that pull isn’t as strong. Maybe I could open my eyes for a minute. It would be worth it to see Sam.

I try to blink them open but whimper when the light pierces through my skull. Fuck, that hurts.

“Shit, Adam, turn the lights off, please. I think he’s trying to open his eyes.”

Through my eyelids, I can tell when the light is off. I give it one more go and manage to squint them open. I blink a few times, trying to clear my blurry vision, and then it hits me that I need my glasses.

“Hi.” Sam’s voice breaks.

“Glasses,” I whisper.

“Hang on. I think Adam brought your backup pair. Your other ones were destroyed.”
