Page 86 of Collision

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Carter heads straight for Natalie, who’s lying in bed. Adam was right. She looks exhausted and more beautiful than I’ve ever seen her. Cindy and Steve are sitting on the tiny loveseat together, smiling at us as we come into the room. Katherine, Natalie’s mom, is sitting on the rolling stool next to the couch.

“Hey, brat. I can’t believe you’d surprise us like this,” Carter teases as he leans over to kiss Natalie on her head. I give her blanket-covered leg a squeeze in hello.

She grins at both of us; the mischievousness we all love sparkles in her eyes. “I swear it wasn’t planned. I was fully expecting it to take a couple of days, so I figured I’d wait until I was further along to tell everyone. Then our little guy came out like he was covered in grease, and we got caught up in the excitement. Plus, I was more exhausted than I’ve ever been in my whole life.”

Carter shakes his head at her cheekiness. “I guess we can forgive you. Only if I get to hold him, though.”

“Done.” Natalie cringes. “Just… maybe wash your hands first? And no kisses, please.”

“You got it.” Carter and I both scrub our hands and arms as if we were prepping for surgery. Then Tucker hands the little guy over to Carter. My whole body melts at the sight of him with a baby.

“You look good with a baby in your arms, brother,” Natalie teases.

“Agreed,” I say, making everyone laugh.

“She’s said that to all your brothers,” Tucker says.

“Because it’s true. And I want some cousins for Carson to play with.”

“His name is Carson?” Carter looks like he’s a breath away from tears.

“Yeah, we tried to find something that was so close to your name, but the minute we thought of it, it kind of stuck,” Natalie says with a shrug.

“I’m more than okay with that.” Carter hasn’t stopped staring at baby Carson. The love in his eyes is more than I can bear. I stand closer to Carter, unable to stay away from him in this moment.

“Can I have a turn?” I ask.

“Huh-uh,” Carter denies, making me huff out a laugh.

“He’s not easy to give up,” Tucker agrees.

“I can’t imagine how hard it is for you guys to let us pass him around like a football,” Carter says. He finally lets me hold him. I can’t get over how small he is. I’ve never held a brand-new baby before.

“He seems as fragile as glass.” My words are quiet as I take in his eyelashes fanned across his cheeks.

“He’s a tiny little thing,” Carter says next to me.

Natalie scoffs. “You weren’t the one who had to push out his big ole head.”

I snort, and little Carson startles. I bounce him a bit to help him settle down again. Thankfully, he doesn’t wake up fully.

We chat for a few minutes until Carson starts to get fussy. Natalie holds her arms out to take him from me. I’m reluctant to hand him over, even though I know I have to give him back. He’s just so precious.

“I’m sure you guys are ready to be done having people up in your business, so we’re going to go. Congratulations, you guys. You did good, sis. Please call if you need anything,” Carter says, pressing another kiss to Natalie’s head. He gives Tucker’s shoulder a squeeze as Natalie gets herself in position to feed Carson.

Carter and I hightail it out of there to give her some privacy. Cindy, Steve, and Katherine are right behind us as we walk back out to the waiting room. The rest of Carter’s siblings are still in the waiting room.

“Isn’t he gorgeous? I can’t get over how tiny he is,” Sara says.

“He’s absolutely perfect,” Cindy agrees. “Anyone interested in going to grab some lunch somewhere?” She looks at all of us, Katherine included.

A chorus of agreement meets her question. Adam calls a couple of places to see if they can accommodate our large group, and La Mensa is the only place that’s willing to take us on.

Katherine tells us to go on over to the restaurant. She’s going to let Tucker and Natalie know where we’re going and to see if they want anything to eat.

As we make our way out of the hospital, I realize how easily I’ve been integrated into the Ellis family. After Carter’s attack, I felt so supported and loved by them. It was made very apparent how they felt about me, and I was so grateful for that. But it’s only right now, as we go to a restaurant to celebrate the newest addition to the family, that I’ve accepted my place with them.

When Carter collided with me at O’Malley’s, I never imagined we’d end up here. I thought we’d go on a few dates, enjoy each other’s company for a bit, and then go our separate ways, just as every other relationship has gone for me.
