Page 10 of Moon Mated

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I reached for him, but he backed away, looking at everything but me. I frowned. I thought he’d be happy to see me, but I was getting the cold shoulder.

What the fuck?

His wolf had warned me that he was in a mood, but the silent treatment wasn’t what I expected. Was he upset with me?

Without warning, emotions flooded through me, making my lungs seize as I fought the overwhelming feelings. I glanced down at my hands, hoping to distract myself from the wave building inside, but crimson drew my attention.

My once white dress was now stained red. I swallowed, staring at the dried blood that coated me from my neck to my feet.

The amount was staggering, and my knees weakened at the sight while my stomach twisted.

I was coated in my near death, and that realization sent me over edge. Before I could fully collapse, hands grabbed me and lifted me into strong arms. My head spun and darkness descended, closing me into an embrace that I was happy to escape into.

Chapter Five


I swung Pearl up into my arms, her limp form nearly sending me into a spiral, but somehow, I held it together. Her scent filtered through my nose, and I felt slightly calmer. She was here. She was safe in my arms, and I wouldn’t allow anything else to happen to her.

But you did. A dark voice whispered in the far recesses of my mind. I tried not to listen; I couldn’t help but feel that the words were right. I was the one who held the knife as it sliced into my mate’s neck. I had no memory of it, however there was no denying it was me.

‘She doesn’t blame us,’ my wolf said, trying to reassure me.

It didn’t. I was so wound up that I didn’t know how I was going to relieve the pressure and shame flooding me.

Pearl’s dried blood flaked off her skin, and I had the sudden urge to wipe it away. Turning, I walked along the opposite hallway that Deacon had disappeared down. I kicked open the first door I came to, glad to find a spacious bedroom.

I carried my mate toward the attached bathroom, shutting the door once inside. There was a tub and separate shower with glass doors. I paused for a moment, debating which one I should use, but the thought of Pearl leaving my arms was something I wasn’t ready to for.

The lid to the toilet was closed, so I carefully perched my mate on it to quickly undress and start the shower. Returning, I tried for a moment to unzip the white dress, but the massive blood stain made my hands shake in anger. I grabbed the fabric and tore the gown from my mate’s body.

The motion roused Pearl; her beautiful eyes fluttered open. I pulled the dress off and then gathered her into my arms once more.

I stepped into the shower, standing under the stream of water so it wouldn’t hit her directly. The warmth helped me relax and focus on what needed to be done in the moment. Carefully, I deposited Pearl onto a bench, grabbed a bottle of soap, and poured some into my hands.

My mate didn’t protest as I washed her body, running over her skin, gently removing the dried blood. Doing this eased my nerves further, until all I could think about was the fact that she no longer smelled of copper. She smelled like rain with an undertone of me. My wolf growled in my head, happy that our mate was starting to smell like us.

I rinsed the suds from her body, following the stream with my hands, a reassuring motion that proved she was all right. Once done, I replaced the shower head, sat beside her then wrapped my arms around her, nestling my nose against her throat where the knife had been buried.

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered, placing gentle kisses over her skin.

“I don’t blame you.” Pearl sighed and relaxed in my embrace. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

I pushed back, needing to see her face, to look into her eyes and reassure myself that she was alive. The memory of her slow heartbeat was enough to make rage flit across my mind. Pearl’s hands cupped my cheeks, her thumbs sweeping over my skin almost hypnotically.

“I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” My words were soft but full of fear. This couldn’t…no this wouldn’t happen again. I’d make sure of it.

“I feel the same way. It’s not your fault.”

I wanted to believe her, but the gut-wrenching fear I had seeing her covered in blood because of the blade I held was something I wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. She may not blame me, but I sure did. I needed to be stronger.

Pearl leaned forward, brushing her lips against mine. The light touch sparked a fire inside me. I buried my hands in her wet hair, devouring her mouth, determined to imprint the taste of her in my memories. She returned everything I gave, plundering my mouth in equal raptor. Her hands ran over my shoulders, back, and chest. I grew harder the more she touched me, feeling like she was stroking my dick instead.

A self-satisfied growl rumbled through my chest when she moaned my name, her legs straddled me wrapping around my waist, encouraging me closer. My body ached to bury myself inside her, to feel her everywhere and bind her to me. It was selfish to be thinking of mating right now, but I couldn’t help the desire. I wanted Pearl in every way possible, so much so that it was almost painful.

I broke the kiss, pressing my forehead to hers and taking some deep breaths to calm the raging lust I felt. She had just been through something traumatic; the last thing she needed was a horny mate who couldn’t control his urges.

Reaching up, I turned the water off, forcing myself to stand and exit the shower in search of towels. I grabbed a stack of them and placed them on the floor by the glass door. Stepping back in, I took Pearl’s hands and helped her to her feet then led her out.
