Page 13 of Moon Mated

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I gasped, having completely forgotten that I wanted to check on Estella. Rylan was my own personal distraction, one that was proving to be a problem.

Rylan adjusted himself. I waited a beat before opening the door. Deacon was gone, seeming to have sprinted back down the hallway when he realized that he’d interrupted something.

I opened the door, intending to follow him to the kitchen, but I paused to glance over my shoulder.

“It’s all right. I’ll be behind you.” Rylan waved for me to go.

I nodded, feeling slightly guilty for not finishing what we had started.

The cabin looked different in the daylight. My first glance had shown the walls were made of logs giving the place a rustic feel while the décor was more modern. It felt luxurious without being obnoxious. It reminded me of what my home had once been. Surrounded by forest, as if it was made to look like nature itself had built it.

“Good morning,” I announced, hurrying into the kitchen and finding Estella sitting at the small dining room table, her hands wrapped around a mug.

I sat down beside her, wanting to grab her hand and ask if she was all right, but I didn’t want to bombard her. She’d been completely isolated in the Between, so touching might be too much for her to handle.

She looked startled when I sat down, but she quickly recovered, all trepidation falling from her face. I smiled at her, happy to see that she was adjusting quicker than I originally thought she would, her white wolf was under the table at her feet. The wolf was leaning its head against Estella’s calve, maintaining contact like wolves did in the wild. I was so happy to see them together that my chest tightened as unbidden emotions rose to the surface.

“Good morning,” Estella replied, her voice quiet like she wasn’t used to using it and didn’t know how to control the volume.

“I’m sorry I didn’t check on you sooner.” I hoped she wasn’t upset with me.

“I was sleeping until a bit ago.” She frowned, looking down at the cup in her hands. “I haven’t felt hungry or thirsty in a long time. It was jarring. Thank the Moon Spirit that my wolf was there to ease my mind.”

I smiled at the wolf under the table, glad that I was able to reunite the two of them, even though it wasn’t in the way I was expecting. I was disappointed that they wouldn’t be whole again. If I was in her situation, I’d want to have my wolf with me however I could.


A door on the opposite side of the table opened, and Deacon stepped through, carrying a platter that was piled high with what appeared to be every bit of meat he could scrounge up. It smelled delicious, and my mouth started to water, but I couldn’t help raising my eyebrows at him.

“I’m useless in the kitchen, but I can grill,” he said in response to my silent question.

“Deacon and kitchens do not mix,” Rylan teased, entering and heading straight for the coffee pot. “Are you sure the coffee isn’t burnt?”

“Estella doesn’t think so,” Deacon shot back, grabbing some plates and utensils.

“It tastes heavenly,” Estella praised, closing her eyes as she took a sip.

My smile grew when she sighed contentedly as Deacon settled into the chair beside her, his eyes observing her with an intensity that I recognized.

Rylan distracted me by placing a steaming cup down in front of me then sitting in the seat next to me.

“Are there eggs? I can make some,” Rylan offered, eyeing the platter of grilled meat.

“I asked Estella what she wanted to eat, and she said meat.” Deacon shrugged like it was a completely normal request.

“I see.” I grabbed a plate and fork then speared some sausages and bacon. As wolves, one could never go wrong serving meat.

“It smells divine,” Estella said hungrily.

“It’s been a long time since you’ve eaten, so take whatever you want,” I encouraged, handing her a plate and fork.

“What do you mean by that?” Deacon’s voice dropped a couple octaves.

“Mean about what?” I asked him, confused by his question.

“You said she hadn’t eaten in a long time,” Rylan said, watching his friend, who was tense.

“Well, she’s been in the Between for decades,” I reminded them.
