Page 17 of Moon Mated

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“I had no idea he was going to do that.” Rylan rubbed my back, and I closed my eyes. His attention and touch were the balm that I needed.

“I know you didn’t.” I hoped he knew that I would never blame him again. “It’ll be all right. Did he say when they would be here?”

“No, he didn’t,” Rylan answered, a bit growly like his earlier temper.

I understood his frustration, and while I would have liked to have been given the option of whether or not I wanted to meet with them, I understood that people did what they thought was right, most of the time. There was a plan for every eventuality, but freewill was still a factor. Rylan trusted Deacon, which meant I did as well, and I was certain he wouldn’t intentionally put anyone in harm’s way.

“I’ll ask him when they are expected to arrive. Take a minute, okay?”

I nodded, appreciating him more in that moment. “Okay.”

I leaned my head back to accept his kiss. It was short but full of unspoken emotions.

He left the room, leaving the door ajar, giving me as much privacy as he could while still keeping an eye on me. In any other situation, it might have been stifling, but it was pleasant. I’d been alone for so long that having someone think about my wellbeing was heartwarming.

“What?” I heard Rylan roar from down the hall.

I was out the door and running down the hallway to the common area before I fully registered that I had moved. Rylan was furious, dark fur rippling down his exposed arms. His eyes had become greener, meaning his wolf was close to the surface, while his face had started to contort. He was on the edge of shifting, and who knew what his wolf would do if he didn’t regain control.

Without thinking, I approached him, his wolf growling at the sudden movement. Deacon reached for my arm to stop me, but I avoided him, beelining for my mate, who was having trouble staying in control.

I touched his arm hesitantly, watching as his wolf eyes focused on me. The rippling of fur stopped, but his bright eyes remained.

“What happened?” I directed the question at Rylan, but from the set of his jaw, I knew he was too worked up to respond.

“They’ll be here any minute,” Estella answered, hugging herself while her wolf brushed against her legs, clearly trying to calm her agitation.

“Next time ask permission instead of forgiveness or give me a fucking heads up. Longer than a few minutes,” Rylan snarled at Deacon, who dropped his gaze unable to maintain eye contact.

Deacon was dominant, an alpha-apparent himself, but submission showed how powerful Rylan’s wolf was. He would only get stronger from here. I needed to watch him to make sure that he and his wolf could handle the power that came with being the Alpha Seeker’s mate. It worried me that the power may corrupt him, but I was determined not to let that happen.

“Yes, Alpha.” Deacon spoke softly, showing with his body and his words that he understood Rylan’s anger. “It won’t happen again.”

Rylan calmed slightly, and I wondered why he didn’t correct Deacon about being his alpha.

Rylan’s arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer. My earlier thoughts disappeared when he ran his hands over my body. He leaned closer, rubbing his cheek against my hair. He was rubbing his scent all over me, a clear warning to any wolf nearby that I was his.

When he was done, I did the same thing, running my fingers through his hair and touching him everywhere I could without giving our audience a show. Tension bled from Rylan as I coated him in my scent. He was marking me, but I was marking him too. He was mine.

I leaned up and pressed my forehead to his, letting my touch and scent further soothe the volatile beast inside him. His hands gripped me through my clothes, and I grew dizzy with desire. Rylan’s chest rumbled under my hands as he registered the sudden spike of desire.

Leaning down, he kissed my cheek so close to my mouth that I’m surprised he didn’t catch my lips. “Later,” he whispered, voice strained as he fought whatever he was feeling.

I nodded, falling back onto my heels staying beside him, knowing that touch was the key to calming him.

“They’re close.” Deacon moved toward the front door.

Rylan nodded and faced the door, putting himself between me and the possible threat. I didn’t fight it. Now was not the time to argue about the fact that I could take care of myself. His instincts were screaming at him to protect me at all costs. I wouldn’t interfere with that.

We stood silently waiting. Deacon kept shooting nervous looks at Estella, who looked pale. If the situation wasn’t so hostile, I would go to her. I felt an overwhelming urge to protect her. I wouldn’t stifle her though; she’d been away for a long time and was still trying to regain her sea legs. The best I could do was keep an eye on her.

The wolf Estella’s ears rotated, like she was tracking movement that none of us could. Senses in wolf form were ten times what they were in our human forms. Our senses were higher than humans, but wolves were on another level.

Soft footsteps approached the cabin, and I stiffened, grabbing onto Rylan’s arm and hugging it to my chest. He didn’t protest, his focus solely on the front door. I held on tight to help calm both of us, but also to hold him back if he decided he didn’t like any more wolves in his space.

The footsteps sounded on the front porch; the tension so thick I could almost feel it pressing down on my shoulders. I took a breath, then let it out slowly as Rylan’s body coiled, ready to react to whatever was on the other side of the door.

Estella whimpered, drawing everyone’s attention. Her wolf was pressed against her leg, like she was the only thing keeping her human half standing. Deacon’s jaw clenched at her obvious fear, which seemed to make his wolf antsy. I could see the battle he was fighting on his face. He was acting as beta, protecting his alpha, but it was clear that wasn’t where he wanted to be.
