Page 20 of Moon Mated

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“There’s coffee in the kitchen, so help yourself. I’ll be outside ready to accept any challenges,” I said, feeling Pearl’s surprise at my words. “I want to gain your respect and loyalty. This is the best way to do it. Once you are satisfied with me as your alpha you may join my pack.”

“Are you serious?” Pearl hissed, pulling me away from the room full of shifters. “You can’t do this.”

“I am serious. I can and will do this.” I tugged her to me, wrapping my arms around her and holding her tight. “It seems to me that you don’t think I can handle challenges.”

She scoffed; her lips pressed together in a thin line across her face. She was worried, I could tell. It made me happy that she was concerned.

“I don’t like this,” she said softly, looking up at me through her eyelashes.

“I’ll be fine,” I assured her, trying and failing to hide my teasing smile.

“Why are you smiling? This is serious, Rylan.”

“I know this is serious. I’m the one who offered to accept challenges. In order for them to look at me as their alpha, they have to test me.”

“But what if you get hurt?” Her lip trembled, and I realized she was scared.

“Getting hurt is part of the process, but thankfully, I’m a shifter and I heal fast. You don’t need to watch.”

“I think I have to.” Pearl bit her bottom lip. “You are doing this to prove that you’re a worthy alpha. I need to watch so they see that I support you as your mate.”

“Spoken like a true alpha female,” I praised, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips, enjoying her soft inhale of surprise. “I’d be honored to fight for you.”

“Not just for me. Fight for us.”

Chapter Ten


I was nervous. The idea of Rylan accepting challenges to gain loyalty and respect was admirable, but it made my chest clench.

“Have you ever seen him fight?” Arden asked, walking with me outside behind the cabin, where there was a clearing in the woods.

“Not recently,” I admitted, wishing that I had so maybe it would calm my nerves.

“I’m sure you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

I knew she was trying to make me feel better, but all it did was remind me of the years I spent hating him. I had no idea what he’d endured during that time. I assumed he continued his training to become the beta of our pack, but what did that even intel? Did he have to fight other betas? Just the thought of him in a shifter fight club situation made me and my wolf antsy.

The crowd from the house was outside now and spread out in a circle. Some were stretching while others were chatting. There was an even mix of female and male wolves. Teo was one of the biggest, but there were a few more eyeing Rylan like they’d like to break him in half.

It made me unreasonably angry.

I glared at every wolf that looked at me as I made my way toward Rylan, who stood with Deacon. His shirt was off, revealing all the delicious planes and ridges of muscle that I wanted to explore with my hands and tongue. I knew he was handsome—I even knew he was fit—but seeing him in the light of day in the middle of a forest shirtless made my heart palpitate.

Green irises flicked to me like he knew what I was thinking, and I swore my ovaries jerked to attention.

“Oh… fuck.” I exhaled, needing to stop for a moment to catch my breath since he literally took it away.

“Are you all right?” Arden asked, concerned.

I’d explained what had happened the night before and how I was healed, but she was still worried. She couldn’t get the sight of her best friend with a knife lodged in her neck out of her head. I understood that and would allow her to treat me with kid gloves. For now.

“Yep. Totally fine,” I answered, very aware that I was being watched.

Arden gave me a disbelieving look, but I ignored her. Rylan had turned away from Deacon in order to watch me walk toward him. As I drew closer, I could clearly see the hunger in his eyes.

Rylan held his arms open for me to walk into, so I did, feeling an instant calmness. I could still feel eyes watching my every move. So, I stood on tiptoe and plastered my body against him. My lips found his, and I kissed him like I was dying. He kissed me back, moving against me hungerly, like he couldn’t get enough. His hand found my ass, his fingers squeezing the muscle almost to the point of pain.
