Page 25 of Moon Mated

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“What’s wrong with him?” I didn’t understand the significance.

“Alpha-apparents, like betas, are bonded to the pack just like an alpha. I broke that bond, and now he’s feeling the effects of basically being cut off.” Rylan seemed unsettled but took a determined step toward the man.

“Let me,” Arden volunteered, walking toward the poor guy but stopping a safe distance away.

Alpha-apparent’s were dominant wolves in line to take over a pack once the old one was pushed out. They were also volatile and prone to aggression and violence if upset, which this wolf clearly was.

“Hey, are you alright?” Arden asked him gently, so she didn’t accidentally startle him.

With obvious strain, the man lifted his head to look at whomever was speaking to him, hazel eyes glazed with pain and grief.

I gasped when recognition registered. The alpha-apparent on the ground in pain was Alder, from the Aibek pack. Rylan told me that he was there when Faela’s body was found.

Stunned, I stared at his face while he went through a transformation. The grief slowly faded from his eyes as he gazed up into Arden’s face. His mouth dropped open as he looked at my friend up and down with an all-to-familiar expression on his face.

“It’s the hair. I know. You’ll get used to it.” She smiled, completely missing the obvious.

Alder swallowed thickly, his jaw clenching as he took in the situation, though his eyes always returned to Arden.

“Wh… what’s your name?” he asked, his voice was deep and gruff.

Arden visibly shivered after hearing his question, her eyes growing wide as she observed him.

“Arden,” she answered in a husky whisper.

Alder glanced around like he just realized that he was surrounded by people. His nostrils flared as he scented the air, muscles bulging when he noticed the male wolves in attendance. A silent snarl curled his lips that would quickly turn into something much different.

“Alder,” Rylan said, taking a step forward.

The snarl disappeared from Alder’s face as he took in Rylan standing across from him, with me by his side.

“Alpha,” he greeted, the word sounding strange coming from him.

“Are you well?” Rylan asked, clearly concerned but wary.

“I… I think so.” Alder slowly climbed to his feet. Everyone ignored his nakedness except for Arden, who ogled him like he was a piece of candy she’d been craving for a long time.

He was handsome, with his sandy hair that was wavy enough to look effortlessly tousled and eyes the perfect mixture of green and brown. He was any girl’s ideal man, though I preferred my dark-haired mate, with eyes that made me melt every time they looked at me.

“Good. We’ll get you some clothes, then… we should talk.”

Alder nodded then turned to Teo, who was handing out sweatpants and t-shirts to all the newcomers.

“This doesn’t make sense,” Rylan grumbled, confused. “What was the point of this attack?”

“I was just thinking the same thing.” Deacon stepped closer, with Estella right behind him. “If this was an attack, it was poorly thought out.”

“That doesn’t sound like Tamra. She doesn’t do anything without a plan first,” Estella added, looking around worriedly.

“I think there’s something else to this,” I said, wondering what I would do if I were Tamra. “She probably needs a spy, but that won’t work since you broke all the bonds. She knows you can do that…”

“So, what is she playing at?” Rylan’s forehead scrunched as he tried to reason out why his aunt ordered an attack.

“A sacrifice maybe?” Or a diversion?

“Why would she send these wolves?” Rylan glanced around, trying to connect the dots like I was.

“I might be able to answer that,” Alder announced, standing next to Deacon with his arms crossed, looking uncomfortable.
