Page 3 of Moon Mated

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‘They will, eventually,’ the Moon Spirit spoke in my mind, sadness clear in its voice.

“What was that thing?” I asked, not expecting an answer but needing to say it out loud.

“No idea, but it was big,” Deacon answered, clearly fighting back the shock.

‘It was a heavenly body.’

What the fuck is that?

The Moon Spirit chuckled, the answer sounded eerie as it echoed in my thoughts, sending a chill down my spine. ‘A meteor.

Chapter Two


I was floating in liquid warmth that was thicker than water. I thought for a moment that it was blood. I panicked sucking in a breath, not detecting a smell.

I sighed then relaxed, letting my arms float beside me. I felt no pain, only calm.

“It’s lovely, isn’t it?” a female voice asked, startling me.

I tried to sit up, but I only managed to dunk my head below the surface. A tinkling laughter echoed around me as I rose to standing, sputtering.

“It’s not deep,” the voice said, the tone grating on my nerves.

My eyes stung from a light that was pure and blinding.

“Where am I?” I wondered, looking around at the peaceful pool I stood in.

“This is the Between,” the woman whispered, sounding like she was standing right next to me. “This is the place that souls go when they are neither dead nor alive.”


The word rang inside my head, resonating like a gong. I shook my head, trying to remember why that word felt like a stab in the heart.

“Part of us is still alive,” the voice reassured.

I whipped around, trying to pinpoint where the voice was coming from.

“Who are you?” I turned in a circle but saw nothing other than the shimmering surface of the pool.

“Don’t be afraid.”

I spun and came nose to nose with a woman. Her skin was so smooth that it couldn’t be real, maybe a mirage. Except, her hair was darker, hanging in perfect ringlets that framed her face. She looked to be about my age, though her ocean-blue eyes seemed much older.

“What’s your name?” I asked, not reacting to her nakedness since I was naked too.

“Estella.” She smiled at me. “What’s your name?”

I opened my mouth to respond then closed it, trying to recall what my name was. Something white and iridescent flashed through my thoughts, making me pause and consider what it could mean.

“Looks like a Pearl,” Estella commented, as if she reached out and plucked it from my mind.


It sounded like a name—a pretty one for something precious. There was more, I could feel it in my head, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t access it.

A stab of pain spiked through my skull. I cried out, and Estella reached forward and steadied me.
