Page 49 of Moon Mated

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I couldn’t fathom how she was able to accept it all. I supposed by the promise that she would one day be united with her wolf again. Judging by the grip that Deacon had on her, the Moon Spirit had blessed her with a mate too. I didn’t know really Deacon, but by observing him with Estella, I knew that the Moon Spirit had chosen well. They were meant for each other, though I wasn’t sure if either of them was aware of it yet.

“I don’t know what to say.” My heart was broken for Estella and her wolf. They’d been dealt a horrible hand; one I couldn’t imagine ever coming back from. I admired her bravery and courage. Knowing her story made me appreciate her presence all the more.

“We can’t change the past.” Estella turned so she could see Deacon’s face. “I’ve been given a second chance. I’m not going to waste it.”

Deacon leaned his head down until their foreheads touched, their eyes drinking each other in. My chest warmed at the affectionate display. I wished them all the luck in the world.

“Your story makes me understand my mother a bit more.” Ledger frowned, his head falling back against the wall behind him. “That doesn’t excuse her actions.”

“No. It seems like she upped her game once the Alpha Seeker escaped from prison and a new one was appointed,” Rylan added, his brows furrowed as he tightened his hold on me.

“She thought Faela’s death was the end until she realized there was a new Alpha Seeker. The Moon Spirit was cunning. As far as we knew, the Alpha Seeker title was always inherited, not bestowed.” Ledger’s voice was soft, but I could hear his pain in every word he spoke.

“What are your thoughts on all of this?” Rylan directed his question at his cousin, and I could sense through our bond that he didn’t want to hope that Ledger was on our side now.

Ledger’s lips twisted while his chest rumbled a growl that I’m sure his wolf was dying to let out. “She may be my mother, but she’s manipulated me and my father for years. Not to mention all of the other lives she’s ruined, plus bringing a Shadow Wolf to life.” He shook his head and bit his lip, as if fighting back emotions. “She’s too far gone.”

“So, you agree that she must be stopped, no matter the cost?” Rylan asked the burning question everyone was thinking. Was Ledger on our side now?

“I never had a choice before, but now that I’m free of her manipulations and the darkness she let fester inside of me, I’m ready to say that she must be stopped. I don’t care how.”

“I’m glad to know that you are on our side,” Rylan replied, but I could feel that he wasn’t entirely sold on the fact that his cousin would stand with us. It was his family, after all, and blood was thicker than a pack. We’d just have to wait and see what happened.

I’d been inside of his head and felt that terrifying darkness that did its best to corrupt my light. It wouldn’t let go so easily. The threats it made still echoed through my thoughts, making my stomach clench with unease.

We will rip through your kind and remake you.

I didn’t know what it meant by ‘remake’, but from the burning sensation in my arm and the way my heart thudded in my ears, it couldn’t have been good. For any of us.

A yawn took me by surprise, my jaw popping as it overtook me. My eyes grew heavy, and I knew that if I didn’t get to bed soon, I would fall asleep right here.

“I think that’s our cue,” Estella said, stifling her own yawn. “Let’s go back to the house and rest.”

I nodded, too tired to form words.

“You two go on ahead.” Deacon helped Estella to her feet and held on to her until she was steady. “We’ve got more to discuss but will be along soon.”

“All right.” I yawned again, snuggling closer to Rylan’s chest, soaking in his warmth for as long as I could.

“I’ll come with you,” he announced, squeezing me tightly.

“No, I’ve got her. Let’s go, friend.” Estella took my arm to better support me while her wolf stood pressed against her other side.

‘I love you,’ Rylan whispered in my mind, making me grin like a schoolgirl with her first crush.

‘I love you more,’ I countered in a teasing tone.

Rylan mock growled in my head, and I chuckled.

‘Don’t be too long.’

‘Don’t tell me what to do,’ he shot back, but I knew full well that he liked it when I told him what to do.

Thinking of all the sexy situations we’d been in due to me telling him exactly what to do made my mouth salivate. There would be time for more of that soon enough.

Estella opened the door to the cellar, and the cool air slapped me in the face, pushing my exhaustion away just a tad. The door closed behind us, and we both took a deep breath, looking up at the stars that littered the dark sky above. After what I’d been through in Ledger’s head, the darkness didn’t hold much appeal anymore, but I tried to enjoy it regardless. I was the Alpha Seeker, and I wouldn’t let our enemy taint what I enjoyed.

‘That’s the spirit,’ my wolf said, fighting her own exhaustion.
