Page 53 of Moon Mated

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Glancing around the room, I searched for something that might have been blocking my connection to Rylan, but nothing immediately jumped out.

Estella shivered, and belatedly, I remembered that she was entirely human. Her wolf couldn’t help keep her warm, and it was obvious that her wolf was annoyed by it. The white wolf patted the stone floor with her paw while staring at her human half. Taking the hint, Estella sat down with her back against the wall as her wolf lay across her lap.

I paced around the room, using all my senses to hopefully find something I could use. Maybe I could call another bone from the wall and use it as a club like I did with Rylan.

It feels like ages since I’ve been here.

The reality was it had only been a couple weeks. The cavernous cell hadn’t changed, and I felt like if I wasn’t able to breath in fresh air soon, I’d go mad.

‘Try reaching for the Moon Spirit,’ my wolf suggested.

I tried, reaching out to the universe around me, but there was no reply.

“Come sit.” Estella patted the stone beside her.

“Do you have any ideas?” My skin crawled from the loss of the mate bond. “I can’t reach Rylan.”

“I’ve got a couple theories, but the most important thing we need to figure out now is how to unblock your bond with Rylan. He’s our only hope.”

I took a deep breath, calming the raging emotions that coursed through me making my chest tight.

I swallowed and nodded. Sitting down beside her, I forced my body to relax as best as I could. Once I was settled and breathing evenly, I tried to reach through the bond again. This time there was a glimmer of awareness. I could feel Rylan’s anger and heard a couple mumbled words that didn’t make sense before I was cut off again.

Estella listened as I told her what had just happened, a frown on her pretty face. “Try again but close your eyes and push everything aside as much as you can.”

I did what she suggested, closing my eyes and slowing my breathing before I reached through the bond once more. More mumbled words, an angry shout, and Rylan’s red rage.

“I think the bond is blocked by the darkness that resides in Rylan. That’s what the Shadow Wolf is, after all. The more he rages, the further the bond is pushed away.” Estella explained.

“How do I stop it?” I wondered, anxious about the darkness I’d felt in Ledger being in my mate too.

“You need to be completely relaxed. Here, lay down and put your head on my lap.”

I was willing to try just about anything at this point.

I lay on my side, my head resting on Estella’s thigh, her wolf’s fur mixing with my own hair. Running her fingers through my hair, Estella tried to help me calm down.

“The darkness is blocking the bond from Rylan’s side. If you relax your mind enough, you might be able to find a way in without alerting the Shadow Wolf. Close your eyes and let the exhaustion you are feeling pull you into sleep.”

I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, letting the exhaustion that I felt deep in my bones take over. With Estella’s fingers on my scalp and her wolf’s steady breathing, I fell into the darkness that tugged at my mind, hoping that I would be able to reach my mate.

Something jerked at my consciousness. I snapped my eyes open and looked around. I was still in Faela’s cell, but now I was sitting in the middle of the cavern with my legs crossed. I couldn’t see Estella or her wolf anywhere, which made my heartbeat faster.

“What…” I got out then turned back around, gasping when I saw an old woman sitting across from me.

“Hello, Pearl,” the apparition greeted me.

I swallowed thickly and pinched my thighs, trying to determine if I was dreaming or not.

“This is a dreamscape,” the older woman said with a hint of amusement in her voice. “You are dreaming but also aware of this.”

“What do you want?” I reached for my wolf. She was there but not reacting to the strangeness that was currently going on.

“Don’t you recognize me?” A corner of the woman’s mouth lifted as she smirked.

Now that she mentioned it, she did look familiar.

“Faela?” My eyes widened as I looked at her with new understanding.
