Page 55 of Moon Mated

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“Will the powers be passed on or will they die with me?”

“That’s a question only you can answer,” Faela said unhelpfully.


“What about Rylan?”

“He has his own path to walk.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means he’ll be faced with a similar decision, one that only he can make. Stopping Tamra is top priority. The Moon Spirit’s power can only be wielded by it or you.”

“What if she succeeds?”

“Then, all is lost.”

No fucking pressure.

“There isn’t much time. Tamra’s coming for you. She will try to weaken you. Hold on for as long as you can.”

“Wait, what does that mean?”

“I’m going to open the bond you have with Rylan. You’re going to need his strength.”

“Faela, wait. Please. I have more questions,” I pleaded with the old woman, but her eyes filled with sadness.

“This is the only time I was allowed. I couldn’t have picked a more worthy person to inherit my Alpha Seeker powers. You’ll do amazing things, Pearl.”

With those final words, the cavern and Faela began to fade. I tried to hold on, needing more time, but there was nothing I could do. The more I held on, the faster the room and the old lady disappeared.

I was alone again in the darkness of my mind. Grief and weariness weighed heavily on my shoulders while my left arm gradually began to brighten, pushing the darkness aside.


Chapter Twenty-Seven


‘Rylan.’ Pearl’s voice whispered through my mind. I closed my eyes, letting her presence soothe me and my wolf.

Instinctively, I reached into her mind, making sure she wasn’t injured or harmed in any way. What I found was that my mate was sad and… grieving? My thoughts went immediately to Estella. Was she hurt?

I wrapped my conscientiousness around Pearl, offering comfort as her sadness flooded my senses. I was able to piece together that Estella and her wolf were fine and that all three of them were in relative safety.

For the first time since they’d been taken, I was able to relax. Knowing Pearl was safe went a long way to calming me. My hands had partially shifted, my claws biting into my palms as I tried relentlessly to break through whatever was blocking our bond.

‘Pearl? Baby, what’s wrong? Talk to me,’ I begged her, needing verbal confirmation that she was all right.

‘We’re okay,’ she replied, but the way she said it made me think that the opposite was true.

‘Do you know where you are?’ Hopefully, she hadn’t been taken somewhere she didn’t recognize.

‘The Cage,” Pearl said, making my wolf’s hackles raise at the thought of our precious mate in that horrible place. ‘We’re in Faela’s cell.’

I wondered briefly why Tamra would take them there, but since I wasn’t insane, I thought it best not to try to make sense of it.

‘All right, I’m grabbing some wolves and we’ll be there soon.’
