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“That does have a nice ring to it,” Antonio agreed. “And you’d have a nice ring to go with it.” He smirked. “But I need to wrap this up.” He aimed one of the guns at Caitlyn again. “Say good-bye, freak.”

“All right, babe. You go ahead. Take them out. Wrap up your unfinished business. Add a pretty red bow and then shove it up your ass,” Sheila scoffed.

“What?” Antonio blinked, and in that split second the gun seemed to have an intelligence all of its own. He watched in horror as his gun was pulled from his hand forcefully and spun around to face him. Antonio was too shocked to scream when the gun fired point blank, and he fell to the ground, his mouth opened in a silent scream.

Caitlyn covered her mouth with her hands and she sank to her knees. I rushed to her side and helped her to sit back on the arm chair. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and then glanced over at Sheila. A few moments of silence passed while we all took a collective breath.

“Did you know anything about his involvement in the death of my parents?” I asked Sheila with sincerity. Maybe her family knew more than I did.

“I wouldn’t take his words with more than a grain of salt, Kade. He’s known about their untimely demise about as long as I have, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he simply wanted to get under your skin. My father would know better than me. I can ask him later, but we’ve got to move.” Sheila surveyed the room as she spoke, and then she poked her head out into the hallway. “Hey, girlie. You okay? She looks a bit green. We gotta get her together because those thugs will be on their way.”

“I’m okay, I’m okay.” Cate squeezed my hand, and I helped her to stand. She let go of me and shook out her limbs. “I’ve never seen something so violent, but I’m not upset.” She set a hand on each of her hips. “Why should we believe that you’re on our side, Sheila?”

“I don’t like Antonio any more than you did. He thought I’d give into his asinine bargains. Please.” Sheila raised her eyebrows. “He’d have my father dropped off the pier as soon as we tied the knot.”

“Okay, but I’m not sure if we can trust you. How did you do that thing with the gun?” Caitlyn glanced between the two of us.

“Eh, I don’t really know. How’d you throw Antonio across a street? I bet you don’t know how you did it either.” Sheila snapped her gum. “Anyhow, I don’t like owing people favors and I owed you the biggest. You don’t understand what you saved me from the night we met out in Devil’s Park.” Her posture was badass and her overall attitude held a nice cool calm. No one would ever fuck with her again. “So, we’re even. Do we, uh, form some sort of team now? The three of us. Like, is that how this shit works?”

“How do you know about Kade?” Cate looked at her incredulously and then glared at me.

“I’d say not to get your panties in a twist, but you ain’t wearing any. Louisa and I were really close in high school. Someone had to help her through her ordeal after she lost her parents. I’ve never seen anyone as sick as Kade in my whole life.” Sheila crossed her arms over her chest. “Louisa couldn’t leave her brother’s side so I was making funeral arrangements.”

“You didn’t say all of that before,” Cate huffed.

“Relax, Superhero Barbie. We got at least fifty thugs out there on deck. It’s not the time to hash out whatever it is you were about to get into. I don’t want your pretty boyfriend.” Sheila poked my arm. “I like ‘em bigger and burlier.”

“It’s complicated, Caity-bug, but we’ve never been a couple like I’ve said to you before.” I ran my hand down Cate’s back and rested it on her ass. “We’ve got some bigger issues to deal with, so let’s push all of that away for right now.”

“Fine, so who is in charge now that Antonio is dead?” Caitlyn heeded the warning, she wasn’t about to rack up another punishment.

“Giovanni Morelli. He’s Antonio’s younger brother. He’s an even bigger dick in some matters than Antonio, but not as power hungry. He’d never touch a woman. Things is gonna change around here. Not a fucking miracle overnight, but you know? Better.” Sheila rolled her neck on her shoulders. “You both ready to do this? We need to get off this boat.”

“I’m Caitlyn. I won’t break your bones, but I can.” She held a hand out to Sheila who shook it and then released it.

“Real reassuring, Caitlyn. I can break your bones with my mind, you know? But, I won’t.” Sheila scoffed. “Anyhow, we need to work together to get out of here.”

“I’ll hear their thoughts which should pinpoint their basic location before any of us can hear them with our ears.” I inhaled deeply and let it out. “Are you ready?”

“Hey,” Sheila returned to the middle of the room. “Who made you the leader, Kade?”

“Ask Caitlyn about it.” I winked and took my girl’s hand in mine. “Don’t you agree, sweetheart?”

“You seriously don’t want to question him on this point.” Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Trust me.”

“Then it’s settled. Let’s go.” I led the two of them out of the room, hoping we’d be able to face whatever challenges we were about to encounter. Caitlyn and I were together, and Antonio Morelli was dead. Everything else would fall into place.

