Page 17 of The Birthday Manny

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“I enjoy what I’m doing, but that conversation is what gave her the freedom to pose something that she and her husband had been discussing. Me moving into their guest room, room and board becoming part of my payment package, and then she would have the freedom to bid for some overnight trips, knowing that I’d be more available to them.”

“That makes sense for them, but you couldn’t have been more than nineteen or twenty, right? I’d have thought you’d have wanted a little more freedom to be young and dumb.”

“My friend, Eddie—the guy I was at Rafters with—and I had been talking about getting an apartment, but it’s so expensive, and we were young. His brother had offered for Eddie to move out of their parents’ home and in with him. I think the only thing holding him back from taking him up on it at the time was he didn’t want to disappoint me. This worked out for both of us. Eddie is a vacation manny?—”

“A what?” Kevin’s face scrunched in confusion.

“A vacation manny. Believe it or not, there are families who pay for someone to go with them on vacation to help with the kids. He’s been all over the world now, and he still lives with his brother, so it’s worked out really well for him.”

“That’s interesting. I had no idea that was even a thing. Sorry, go ahead.”

“Nothing else to say, really. I worked for them for a few years until their kids didn’t really need me anymore. That’s when I signed on through the same agency Eddie works with. I love it.”

“And you’ve never regretted your decision?”

“Nope. The last few weeks haven’t been ideal, though. The family I was working for moved unexpectedly, and I wasn’t interested in going with them. How quickly it all happened didn’t give me enough time to line something else up, so I’m back in my childhood bedroom at my folks’ house.”

Kevin’s eyes narrowed. “So we were at your parents’ house the night we…met?”

I shook my head. “No. I was housesitting.”

He shook his head slowly. “People do that, too? Pay someone to…”

“Daddy, you’re being boring,” Lexi interrupted, leaning into his legs. “I want to pay wit him.” She pointed at me.

Kevin stroked his hand through his daughter’s hair. Then his green eyes landed on me, thoughtful and full of speculation. Matching green eyes twinkled as his daughter smiled at me. “You pay, CJ?”

“Well, that’s up to your dad.”

Kevin rubbed a hand down his face. “Lord help me.” Peering at me between his fingers, he said, “Let’s talk details.”



Why was I so nervous? After wiping my sweaty hands down my jeans, I reached in and grabbed my stuff out of the backseat, then turned and faced the cute white house with the baby blue shutters. I wondered if the house came with that pop of color or if Kevin was partial to blue? That would be a point in my favor since I’d been told my eyes resembled the bluest blue of the sky on a perfect summer day.

Well, this was it. Taking a deep breath, I slowly started the trek up the driveway toward the front door. I hoped and prayed that Kevin hadn't changed his mind since I left yesterday. I knew he had no intention of hiring a live-in person to take care of Lexi, so there was a fifty-fifty chance he'd tell me he changed his mind when he opened that door. I'd been so nervous that would happen that I hadn't even called my best friend, Eddie, last night to tell him about the new job, and we told each other everything. I also hadn't gotten much sleep.

How much I wanted to be the manny for this family wasn't even about how badly I needed a job or how attracted I was to Kevin, but how much fun I had playing Lexi-ville with the little girl. She had a sharp little mind to go along with her adorable face, and I wanted the opportunity to help her grow and blossom.

Stopping halfway up the driveway, I scrubbed a hand over my face. Was this really a good idea? I mean, I was highly attracted to Kevin, and watching his daughter would make him my boss. As much as I wanted to be in his orbit, I had a feeling that he was the type of man—one full of honor and integrity— who wouldn't consider dating an employee.

Maybe it would be best if he didn't give me the job, after all. Kevin ticked all of my boxes, and I knew I wanted a chance for more with him. I had his phone number, so I'd be able to reach out and ask him on a date later if I wasn’t his employee. Maybe once he figured out the childcare situation.

The thought of someone else taking care of the little girl depressed me, though. I really freaking wanted this job. I wanted the opportunity to know this little family better, to be part of their routine, and support Kevin. Be the person he could count and rely on. No, this was where I belonged. Once Kevin knew me —really trusted me—I'd work out the dynamics of going from boss-employee to lovers. Maybe. Hopefully.

Shaking myself out, I raised my chin and stomped toward the house. I could do this. No man had intrigued me the way he had in such a long time. And the sex, dear Lord, that sex. Raising my hand. I knocked on the door. From inside, I heard a squeal and, “CJ, Daddy. It's CJ. Come on.”

Second later, Kevin opened the door with a wary expression on his handsome face, and I deflated. He was gearing up to tell me he didn't think this would work out. Forcing a smile the best I could and faking confidence I didn't feel, I said, “Good morning. Reporting for duty in Lexi-ville.”

The little girl clapped her hands. “Lexi-ville, Lexi-ville,” she chanted.

Kevin placed one palm on his child's head while rubbing the back of his neck with the other hand. He swallowed audibly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Damn, that was sexy.

With renewed determination, I held up my backpack. “Where should I put my stuff?”

Kevin's gaze bored into my face, looking, searching, like he thought my head held the secret to the universe. Finally, he sighed and stepped back. “Come on in.”
