Page 41 of The Birthday Manny

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With a smug grin, she nodded, clearly pleased with herself. “Can’t wait for my next burfday.”

Kevin and I exchanged a curious glance. “Why?” he asked.

“Because I blowed out my candle, and my wish already came true.”



The last three years exceeded everything I'd ever hoped for or dreamed of as a child. I stood back in the corner of the dining room in our new house and took in all of the family and found family cemented firmly as part of our lives and felt so thankful for the way my life had gone.

The new house had been a surprise for my mother-in-law. Once we'd received the confirmation that our surrogate was pregnant, Lorraine had started searching for a new place of her own. I suspected that she only wanted to give us her room back for the baby, but we enjoyed her living with us. I knew that she needed us, so Kevin and I had gone on the hunt for the perfect home for all of us. Now we were all gathered in our four-bedroom with a mother-in-law suite and space in the backyard for the garden I wanted.

For her sixth birthday, our little girl had requested a fancy tea party. She was still obsessed with cars, but her tastes had changed to building models with Kevin instead of the little toy ones that we’d put in the attic in case our son ever wanted them. I never would've suspected that my sweet husband would get such a kick out of his new hobby, but he loved working with his hands and having a finished product to display. One of the first things I'd done in our new home was to create a wall specifically for him to showcase all of his and Lexi’s creations.

“Well, I think it's a success, don't you?” Kevin asked, sneaking up on me and snuggling into my side.

Grinning, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him in close. “I especially like how dapper all our nephews look in their suits.” Even the oldest of them, at fifteen, had been more than willing to dress up for the only female cousin.

He barked out a laugh. “We thought it was your mother who'd go crazy for having a girl in the family, but those boys sure do adore her.”

My mom did, too, but I was pretty sure that her and my Aunt Barb adored the addition of Kevin’s mom, Lorraine, equally as much. The three of them were inseparable. “Do you think Lexi-girl was sad to have a little brother instead of a sister?” I asked, thinking about the bonds the older women shared.

Kevin snorted. “Considering that your siblings are done procreating, and this is it for us, I think she's pretty psyched that she's the only little girl.”

I nodded. “Maybe.”

Kevin tilted his head up toward me. “What about you? Are you okay with Kevin Junior?”

Leaning down, I planted a kiss on his lips. “Since we used my sperm, I was pretty sure that it would be a boy since that’s all my dad’s line ever has.”

Kevin's lips curved up in a smile. “I was, too. That's why I insisted that we use yours. I really wanted a son who looks like you.”

Personally, I wouldn't have been unhappy with another black curly-haired, green-eyed beauty like my husband and our daughter, but naming him after Kevin was enough. Especially since I’d taken the Wadsworth name.

Kevin spun to face me and linked his hands around my back. “So, what would you say to an overnight stay in a hotel room?”

I reared my head back and widened my eyes. “KJ's only three months old. Are you telling me that you're willing to leave our newborn overnight?”

Kevin checked over his shoulder and made sure no one was paying attention to us, then he pushed in closer, rubbing his front against mine. “I'm thinking that a hot bath with my husband without worrying about little ears or a hungry baby sounds like heaven. We can drink a little champagne, maybe get up to some other fun things, and then…”

“Sleep?” I asked hopefully.

Kevin laughed. “Exactly.”

Worried, I searched his face. “Are you sure, handsome? Because I don't mind staying home. I know you didn’t leave Lexi-girl for years.”

He shook his head. “The old Kevin would be terrified to leave and feel like a failure to even want to, but you taught me better. We have a loving family and two grandmothers who are more than willing to have a sleepover tonight and watch our children. I think we should take advantage of that. You taught me not to be scared to lean on our tribe, CJ, and I want a night alone with you. I love you, and I need some time for us.”

My heart filled to overflowing with the love in his eyes. “I love you, too.” Then, like we always did after confessions of love, we sealed it with a kiss.
