Page 123 of Ring Of Truth

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“Cormac,” I snap at him, motioning to Sophie.

“Sorry, Soph. Just kidding around with Daddy.”

They had a whole life here in Seattle before Cormac went to Vegas, something I never got to see.

Until now.

He’s saving Darragh’s life. I wouldn’t have been able to do what he’s doing.

“Cormac, why are you here?” I ask, softly.

“Saving the day.” He grabs the suture kit. “Can’t you tell?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Darragh hisses. “He did save me. Twice.”


“You may not want to go into the kitchen for a while,” Cormac says.

The kitchen.

Sophie’s meds! “I need to get Sophie’s EpiPen,” I whisper.

Cormac whips his head to his niece. “Soph, you okay?”

“Yeah,” she says softly, watching them. “Stop, I’m okay!”

“There were pecans in the stuffing,” Darragh moans and lifts his head. “There’s an EpiPen in here.”

“No, the kit is empty,” I blurt and want to ask him how this could have happened, but now is not the time.

Darragh bolts up and coughs. “What? What do you mean there’s no pen in the kit?”

The room goes silent, sounds only punctuated by Sophie’s gentle whimper. I spin around and see her with her head hung low.

“Sophie?” I reach out to her.

“I… I lost mine at Brownies. I took it out to show Avery, and then it was gone.” Tears come on heavy. “I came up here and took a new one. Daddy changes them out every year. I figured I would tell him then.”

Darragh buries his face in the carpet like he wants to scream. I have to be strong and step in. Step up.

That’s why I’m the step-mother.

“It’s okay, Sophie.” I lift her chin. “But no one will ever be mad at you for anything to do with your allergies, do you hear me? You come to me or your father next time, promise?”

“I promise,” she whines and drops to the carpet to hug Darragh. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

Swallowing down my fear, I turn stronger and more convinced than ever that I have to do this. I put J.P. into Sophie’s arms while she sits cross-legged on the floor.

“Hold the baby. I’m going to get the one in your knapsack. We can’t take chances.”

And then I’m surrendering myself to the enemy, who just happens to be my father…



“No! I’m fine. I don’t need medicine.” Sophie grabs on to Ana’s sleeve with the baby in her arms.
