Page 71 of Ring Of Truth

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I have to trust him when he says Katya is okay, and in some twisted way, she’s happy. With Lachlan O’Rourke of all people.

Letting go of that worry makes it a little easier to breathe.

“I’m glad the ultrasound looked good today,” Darragh whispers into my ear, his warm breath sparking my arousal again.

God, his voice is so hot.

Sniffing, I mumble, “Me too, really.”

“I told Eoghan to ask Balor to look into hacking your trust fund. It is your money. But not to take and run away with. Not with the baby.” He caresses my stomach.

The touch, the warmth of his hands, and the firmness of his thick fingers set me on fire.

“Our baby,” he growls.

“Then what?” I squeak, seeing that future a little clearer right now.

“We’ll figure it out.” He kisses my forehead softly. “I have something else to tell you. I signed us up for a prenatal class tomorrow night.”


“You and me. We’re having a baby.” He stands with his arms folded. “Have I not made that clear?”



The following evening, Darragh drops off Sophie at her Girl Scout Brownie meeting, and off we go to a prenatal birthing class.

When he signs us in, he proudly declares himself my partner.

“Let me hang this up for you.” He takes my coat, the stylish trench he bought me at the mall, even though he loved how I looked in his Seahawks slicker.

I study the other mothers through my lashes, feeling out of place, like they know my situation.

That I’m carrying my partner’s brother’s baby.

Other couples flutter into the studio and sit in a circle. By the waves and air kisses, I can tell the women are friends. Either from these classes, or they all decided to get knocked up together.

The only available space is right next to the instructor, since the others have been doing this for weeks. I’m the loser who’s catching up.

It was easy to wallow in self-pity, trapped in a sleazy motel room when I didn’t have any options.

Now, with a clear head and not drowning in fear, I see I had many chances to escape. Only, my choices were severely limited, even if I had managed to get away from Cormac.

I curse myself inwardly now for not trying sooner.

But I wouldn’t have Darragh…

“Come on.” He takes my hand, and with that beam of pride, he steers me into the yoga studio.

He lowers to the floor and helps me down, too.

I’m seated between his open legs, both of us facing the wide circle and other pregnant couples.

Being close to him like this, the warmth of his inner thighs encircling my hips, is confusing. He’s just so comfortable putting his arms around me. Maybe he too needs to feel something after being alone and lonely for so long.

The instructor welcomes the class and leads a chanting session of breathy Om Shantis for a few minutes.
