Page 105 of Reckless Obsession

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His forehead creases. “What are you doing for the upcoming holidays?”

“Mom lives up in Reno. There’s a great ski spot a few hours north of there.”

“You ski?”

“Sure do. You?”


I laugh. “You’re more of the indoor type?”

“Having to bury two dead bodies in the ice-cold Upstate New York woods…” He swears something in Gaelic under his breath. “I can’t fucking believe I just said that to you.”

“I can’t fucking believe I don’t care.” I cover his hand on the gear shift with mine.

“Not your jurisdiction?”

“That and I only prosecute something I can prove.” I narrow my eyes, watching him drive. “Were they bad people?”

“Bad to my family.” He shifts in a seat that is too small for his hulking girth. “It was vengeance for my brother, Balor.”

It’s shocking how he just opens up to me. “What happened?”

He exhales. “Like you said, it’s late.”

And there’s no statute of limitation on murder and confessing to a prosecutor is admissible.

Not that I would ever turn him in. Cormac was a thug on the streets of Las Vegas. We didn’t pick on him. People filed police reports against him. We had to act after he was arrested.

“You said your family treasures its women,” I whisper.

“We do.”

“You’re tough, brutal men.” I speak from my experience with the Cosa Nostra here. Men who engage in human trafficking and send women to the hospital. “And no one’s ever hurt a woman?”

Eoghan thinks about that, and in a guttural tone, says, “Yeah. Cormac. And the reason he’s being punished. You dismissed his case but my family dispensed their own justice.” Eoghan’s words settle under my skin with a rare sense of comfort.

The stress lines that bracket his mouth about what might be happening to his brother, his blood, is not a look I care for on him. So I change the subject.

“Are you looking forward to seeing your brothers and the new baby?”

Eoghan smiles, and it warms my heart. “I am. I’d still like you to come with me.”

It’s as if he believes we’re either in some kind of relationship or there’s a happy ever after for us once he satisfies Daniel’s request. Cormac may be out of the country, but it won’t take much to figure out where he is and demand extradition. Eoghan must know this, or he would have told Daniel to go fuck himself.

“Can’t, counselor. I have court on Monday with a last-minute witness to depose.” And a man to fuck.

I hope.


Do I hope? Do I want that?

God, I’m confused.

“I’ll go through the Borgia evidence and see what we can share with you,” I say.

“You’ll be working all weekend?” He glances at me with pinched brows.
