Page 135 of Reckless Obsession

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Eoghan goes still at the sound of my mother’s voice. Turning curious eyes on me, he says, “Your ma is from Ireland?”

I nod softly.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Diamond.” He moves to her bedside and gently shakes Mom’s hand. “The plane today was a rental. What county are you from?”

“Aye, you speak like me.” She perks up. “Whitechurch.”

“North of Waterford. That’s where I was born.” He crosses his arms.

These two are gonna be besties.

“I was born Elena Carroll.” She’s beaming at him, and it makes my eyes teary.

“Mom, are you in pain?” I pull up a chair next to her.

“They got me on pain meds.”

“What did the doctor say? Are they replacing your hip?”

She exhales. “They’re waiting for approval from your father’s insurance company.”

I sneak a look at Eoghan and shake my head. I don’t want her to know he’s picking up her medical tab. She’ll think we’re serious.

Eoghan takes out his phone, ignoring me. “Let me make a few calls.”



“Balor, get Darragh on the line,” I say to my brother. “I need you both for this one.”

“Darragh’s working.”

“In a private practice, he’s not operating anymore. Get him on the line.”

Balor clears his throat. “Why do you need me on the line?”

“To hack into this shit hospital’s records.”

“What shit hospital? Where… Why the fuck are you in a hospital in Reno?” The benefit of a brother with his tracking skills, right now I don’t have to say where the hell I am.

“Jillian’s mother was brought there. Her name is Elena Diamond.”

Balor lets go of an exhale. “Hang on.”

Music plays like I’m waiting on hold with a bank.

A minute later, Darragh gets on the line. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing. I’m in Reno. Balor’s going to forward you hospital records I want you to review.”

“Done,” Balor says. “Check your email for the PDFs, Dar.”

“Hold on,” Darragh says.

“Balor,” I say. “Get me a list of the orthopedic surgeons in this place who do hip replacements. If they’re not A-rated, I’m taking her mother out of here.”

“To where?” he asks.
