Page 161 of Reckless Obsession

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Concern flared in Lachlan’s eyes, but he stepped back.

I managed to get both those pricks attached to the back bumper. Good ole Hayden had been former NYPD and his Crown Vic with a metal bumper had come through.

It was like that night was meant to be.

Seething, I got into the front seat and revved the engine. That shed looked at least three football fields long. Enough room to tear these motherfuckers to pieces.

Before throwing the car into drive, I caught sight of myself in the rearview.

Tonight, I become a murderer.

Tonight, I earn the name O’Rourke.

Smiling, I jammed my foot on the gas and…

The rest is history.

It’s a story my brothers tell about me in hushed whispers to people who think I’m not dangerous because I’m a lawyer.

The kill is only part one of the story, though.

The ending is what no one else knows. Even I’ve never told a soul.

Until now…


Eoghan - Age 21

Lachlan and I cut the mangled bodies from Hayden’s Crown Vic. We loaded them back into the trunk, their blood staining our clothes. Those motherfuckers needed to just disappear. No bodies meant no charges.

I wasn’t a lawyer back then, but I’d watched enough legal dramas to know the basics.

No one would question me. No one questioned the mob.

I texted Balor a photo of what was left of his bullies.

Balor: Gross. Delete that, you fucking moron. And send me you and Mountain Man’s phone IPs to wipe you both from Boston.

All that and not a thank you?

I dropped Lachlan off at his Viper and we got the fuck out of Boston.

The sun had risen over the East River when we reached New York. Lachlan waved me over in front of Divona.

“Leave that car here. I’m going to pick up a capo to drive it to the black site so I can torch it later,” Lachlan said, like it was no big deal and drove away.

Feeling so fucking victorious, I strut to my car, parked outside Da’s office when the courtyard door opened sharply. He stood there in the same clothes he’d had on the night before.

Oh shite.

“Get your fucking arse in here right now,” he shouted at me.

My heart pounded, but I did as he said. For all I knew, his outburst could have been about something else. The Civics test I’d failed. It would hopefully reinforce my reason for quitting school.

Da stepped aside and let me in.

“What—” I didn’t get any further words out of my mouth when he backhanded me across the face.
