Page 163 of Reckless Obsession

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With the Reno chill on my skin, I stare at the car in Jillian’s mom’s garage. It reminds me of those brutal hours in the cold, burying two bodies, Cassian making me dig two holes until my hands were bloodied… It feels like a lifetime ago, but the ache in my hands never went away.

The glorious credit I get for exacting revenge for Balor in a brutal way has followed me to this day, minus the humiliating bitch slap and convict-like treatment I got in the aftermath.

My hands were so fucked up after that day, they took weeks to heal. It’s why I get manicures. I can’t bear dirt under my nails or wrecked cuticles.

Makes me sick.

Tears fill Jillian’s eyes. “Oh, Eoghan. I don’t know what to say, other than…” She kisses my bare chest. “Thank you.”

“Thank you?” I just vomit confessed my worst sins.

And she can refer them for prosecution to a Boston D.A.

“For sharing that with me.” She steers me back to the house and into the living room. Sitting me in front of the fire with a fur throw around my shivering body, she drops to her knees. “For trusting me.”

I close my hand around hers reaching for my belt. “I tell you I dragged two men to their deaths and you want to blow me?”

“You confessed bravely about the pain you were in. I still see it on your face. Now, I want to make you feel good.”

“I’m a murderer, Jillian,” I say, the only time feeling ashamed because she’s so damn pure and good.

“You did that for your brother.” She wriggles my hand away and nudges my pants down past my arse until my cock springs free. “Would you do the same for me?”

Watching her tongue swipe across the head of my dick, I mutter, “Kill two men?”

“Drag them to their deaths. It’s so visceral.” Her breath shudders.

“No, I’ll kill one hundred men for you. I won’t hesitate to end the life of anyone who lays a hand on you.” I tilt her head up and kiss her.

Breaking the kiss, she asks with a sly smirk, “You got laid a lot in college, huh?”

Scoffing, I say, “I honestly couldn’t pick out any woman I fucked in college from a line-up, sparkles.”

Maybe even beyond that. No face materializes in my brain. I found the last pussy I ever want to sink my dick into.

I push her messy hair away from her face, so I can fuck her mouth. “I only touch you from now on.”



Eoghan and I spend an entire week in Reno. Mom is already walking around the rehab facility with the help of a private nurse.

We make love every night. Foreplay is me reading my book out loud while he strokes my clit to a fever, or he reads, and I give him head.

It feels like we’re living together. Peeled away from our usual worlds, we’re like a normal couple. He’s not off committing crimes, doing scary mafia man things. And I’m not trying to put men like him in jail.

It’s as if we found our Shangri-la, the place where neither of our worlds exist and we can focus on us and nothing that would pull as apart.

We totally work as a couple. As our true selves. Two lawyers, who like talking legal shop as far as cases in the news. And I discover he likes watching legal dramas only to pick apart the plot holes.

But once the real world breaks through, we’ll be separated into opposite corners. That stings my heart. But I don’t know what choice I have.

On the day Mom has her first full physical therapy session, Eoghan gets a call from Balor.

His eyes go wide, and he holds his mouth.

This has nothing to do with his outburst about Cormac earlier in the week because he’s talked to his other brothers on and off about ongoing deals and issues for him to fix.
