Page 45 of Reckless Obsession

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At a trendy trattoria, we sit in the back. I devour a Caesar salad, and Trista indulges in two rice balls.

A few bites in, I put down the fork, and wipe my mouth. “I can’t stand it anymore. I have to see who responded to me.”

Taking out my phone, I fire up the app and my heart falls.

“What?” Trista asks, drenching chunks of rice ball into a gravy boat of marinara.

“I don’t understand.” Shaking my head, I turn the phone toward her. “They’re gone.”

“Gone?” She takes the phone and looks at my empty inbox. “I guess you didn’t respond fast enough.”

“In the thirty minutes it took to drive here, the four men who replied found other people to hook up with?”

Shrugging, Trista says, “It’s Sin City, what do you expect?”







This is fucking unsustainable.

For now, I toggle the BLOCK feature back on. What’s worse is, I don’t know who to talk to about this obsession drowning every good sense I have when it comes to my Jillian.

If I don’t fuck her again soon…

I glance down at her app, that picture of her dancing in the skimpy pale-pink dress rattles my nerves.

The only person who could remotely understand would be Lachlan because he’s a bit touched in the head. He lives on the edge and doesn’t apologize to anyone.

Only, he’s our enforcer and had no qualms sending Cormac to the camp in Ireland.

I’ve seen Lach dripping in blood, eyes narrowed into beady slits, tongue hanging out of his mouth in all his murdering glory. Minus the blood and the tongue wagging, how he turned that icy gaze on Balor and me, his brothers, to protect his wife a few weeks ago gave me fucking chills.

I glance at Jillian’s app and consider just deleting it from her phone all together. It won’t stop her, but it will slow her down.

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An idea strikes me. On my phone, I go to the app store and download the thing onto my phone.

Create a profile for free!

Jillian wants no-strings sex with a stranger. What if that fucking stranger is me? My heart beats wildly, and I start filling out all the shit info this app wants.

All fake of course.

Until it wants a credit card.

“I thought it was free?”

The fine print sits below, and I pinch it to make it larger.
