Page 66 of Reckless Obsession

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“What? Someone who what?”

Pushing his dick into his pants, he mutters, “Go home, slut.”

Roadside gravel crunches under his shoes as he backs up further, and finally walks to his car.

I sit up and watch him, my eyes adjusting with the help of some moonlight. Through warm stinging tears I can’t control, I see him lift off the mask. I’m sure wearing one annoyed him. He shakes his head, and a rumple of glossy waves fall rakishly over his ears.

He feels more real right now.

A real man and not a fantasy fuck.

I fix my gaze on his face, slightly lit up by his car’s interior light. But a part of me doesn’t want to see.

Shaking, I slide my dress back on. I get to my feet, laughing nervously that I left my sandals on. With no sight of my thong, I stumble to my car on sore legs as the roar of Johnny’s engine startles me.

His headlights shine across my used and tender body.

He can see me. All of me, my face, even my tears. But I can’t see anything discernable about him.

His car screeches in reverse and then peels away after burning rubber to swing around and drive off. Is he seriously just leaving me here like this?

It’s a hook up, not a date.

In my car with the engine started, I make a wide U-Turn. Tears flow heavily now as regret pounds at me. But I wanted this. And I hate that I want more, but I think he…

I think I wanted too much from him.

That has me laughing and crying at the same time. Emotion overload, my body doesn’t know what it wants.

You want me, sparkles…

“Shut up, Eoghan,” I yell into the void.

Veering back onto the main road, I’m startled when a car swings out from the service road beyond the gas station after I pass.


He’s following me.

It’s a long drive back into the city. The forty-five-minute ride rattles my nerves as I keep checking those blinding headlights in my rear view.

Back in Las Vegas proper, I expect Johnny to break away to someplace else. Home. A casino. A strip club.

With every turn I make, he follows until we reach my block and he takes off, tires screeching, peeling, burning rubber filling the air. Does he know where I live?

That creeps me out.

I park in my spot, then get out and close my door.

Skipping the walk of shame through my lobby, even though I need to check my mail, my wet, dirty dress, nipples still hard, my body aching for more and I head for the lot access elevator. With my head against the cherry panel, the ride up seven stories is all a blur until I get into my apartment and open the balcony.

I lift my dirty dress off and stand there naked, Johnny’s words haunting me.

Save that for someone who…


It hits me, how much I want Eoghan. And that I’m falling for him.

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