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I’m about to say something else, maybe ask who his source is on Sokolov when Anthony walks into the rink. His eyes narrow onto my face. He’s wearing a gray shirt and black pants, with a black baseball cap that’s on backwards. Very douchey looking but he makes it work.

He looks like every other chill guy on the street but Tony can get a little unhinged. Not towards his family but to those who cross him. Two years ago, my family was one of those. Then he married my sister and we became family.

“I keep telling you both to stop coming here without me,” Tony says, brown eyes twinkling with mischief.

He swings an arm around Roman’s neck. The latter unceremoniously pushes it off.

“You’re not invited for a reason, cognato,” I say to my brother in law.

“Why? Because you know I’ll kick both your asses?” he winks.

I let out a soft sigh. I love my sister, I do but sometimes I wonder exactly what she saw in him. I mean sure, he’s hot but he’s also an idiot.

“In your dreams, Tony,” I state. “Anyway, I have an important meeting to get to. I’ll see you both later.”

“Don’t forget our monthly game night, cognata,” Tony calls after me.

I wave over my shoulder in acknowledgement. My men start to clear out of the room. Since I became Don, my security’s been greatly upgraded with me being unable to leave the house without at least four men accompanying me. I’ve tried to fight it, but my dad’s insisted and I decided to let it go.

Still it irks me that a male Don like Roman can leave the house at any time without any security. Today he was accompanied by two men but it doesn’t happen often. But that’s not a battle I can fight. Roman’s a man and I’m a woman. Our situations and experiences are vastly different.

Plus, my dad might not be Don anymore. But he still has some influence over our men.

My cousin walks into my office about an hour after I arrive home. There’s an expression on his face that immediately has me arching an eyebrow.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

Instead of answering me, my cousin’s eyes go to the desk then back to my face.

“You know it’ll never not be weird seeing you in Eduardo’s chair.”

“Tell me about it,” I mutter. “It feels uncomfortable. Like it’s wrong that I’m here at all.”

“It suits you,” he says sincerely.

Rico has always been steadfast about supporting my position. There are some people who believe he should be Don instead but he likes working in the shadows and on the sidelines. I’m beyond grateful to have a cousin who is so loyal.

“So, I have bad news, two potential issues, not sure if they’re problems or not,” he states.

“I’m listening,” I prompt.

“First off, intel getting to me from Moscow is that Sokolov might not be dead. It seems he’s actually still very much alive and running his empire.”

I arch an eyebrow. Hearing that twice in one day is definitely worrying. “And you know this how?”

His brown eyes narrow. “You’re not surprised, which means you already know.”

I sigh. Rico’s one of the only three people on earth who are capable of reading me well.

“Yes, Roman might have mentioned it while we were at the shooting range earlier.”

“Well, I got confirmation of a sighting from one of our sources in Moscow. He’s still alive. You worried?” Rico asks.

“Should I be?” I counter.

He holds me gaze for a couple of seconds before sighing. “There’s always been something you’re not telling me in relation to him. I’ll find out eventually.”

Hopefully not ever.
