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“You hate dancing,” she says.

I’m a little surprised she remembers that.

“True, but I think we’re drawing even more attention standing in place. If we’re not going to mingle, we might as well just dance,” I say sensibly.

“Fine. But if you step on my toes, I’ll stab you.”

That makes me chuckle. I lead her towards the dancefloor. There are a few couples already there. We take our place at the edge. I suddenly feel hot all over, as one of my hands snake around her back while the other holds on to her hand.

The tips of my fingers, skate across her back, right above her ass. Sparks shoot across my skin at the contact. Katerina becomes very still.

“Can you not touch me like that?” she asks.

“Touch you like what princess?” I smirk.

She doesn’t reply as I pull her closer, leaving only an inch of space between us. Her eyes widen.

“Xander. This is not how a bodyguard would dance with me,” she points out.

“Sshh. Don’t think about it,” I say, enjoying the feel of her body in mine too much to care about all that right now.

My face nuzzles the top of her head as we begin to drift across the dancefloor, our steps completely in tune. The song playing is slow, the melody entrancing as I hold her to me and everything falls away.

I find myself wishing the world would fall to a stop then. Or maybe I could go back to a past when I didn’t hate her.

My feelings are so conflicting. There’s no denying my attraction to her. I loved her once before. But she also betrayed me and hurt me more than anyone else did. And yet right now, I’d give anything for us to be okay. For none of it to matter.

Katerina places her head on my chest as we sway to the music. She’s completely relaxed so I’ll take that as a win. But I also can’t help but wonder why she was so tense in the first place. Something must have happened before she joined us.

The thirty minutes Graham gave us are almost up but I continue holding her to me, unwilling to let go. Unwilling to stop. My heart is racing and a part of me is terrified she can hear. When the song finally ends, she takes one step away, her eyes on me.

She opens her mouth and I’m not sure what I was expecting. But the words she speaks are definitely not that.

“I killed someone today.”



Ihad an epiphany a couple minutes ago as we danced.

Xander’s the only man I’ve ever allowed myself to love. And now that he’s back in my life, it’s become increasingly clear that those feelings never truly disappeared.

Every look, every touch, every smile, it all makes me feel too much. And I can’t be put in that position. Not again. I can’t feel like this, because the last time I did, it had disastrous consequences on everyone I loved. Which is why I need to stay away, keep some distance. Which is also why I just blurted that out.

He blinks at me, once, twice.

“Okay…” Xander says confused.

“He probably didn’t deserve it,” I continue.

The disco light dances across the mask covering his face.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I don’t know,” I lie.

“Did you have a choice?”
