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“Then explain it to me!”

He heads for the side of my office instead, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the fridge. He pulls out a glass and pours some in, before heading back towards me. He takes a sit without a single glance and I watch as he drinks a huge swig of the drink.

“Congratulations, Alexander. You’ve ruined everything I’ve done these past nine years. You just ruined your life and your son’s life as well.”

My fists clenches as my blood runs cold. “What does this have to do with Nate?”

He nods towards the table. “That picture was taken two nights ago. And earlier this morning, I got a call from a reporter in New York Daily informing me that a story’s about to break about one of my sons. Naturally I assumed it was Graham. I thought he’d gotten into some stupid scandal here once again. But it wasn’t. No, they informed me it was so much worse.”

“What’s the story?” I ask in a low voice.

“Apparently, the person that called in with the tip and took the picture only wanted to spread a rumor that you were dating the head of a crime syndicate. But the reporter took that story and ran much further than that, digging into the past.”

Something knots in my gut, “How far back?”

“Well considering there have always been suspicions and conspiracy theories about who Nathaniel’s mother could be, this reporter took it upon himself to find out. It wasn’t hard for him to dig up the fact that both you and Katerina Mincetti went to Harvard. And after only a few calls to some of your former classmates, he found out you also dated. Do the math, Alexander.”

“He knows she’s his mother?’ I ask in a whisper.

“He knows everything!” he yells. “The story’s going to break tomorrow about your relationship with her and the fact that you two had a love child.”

I feel like I’m going to be sick.

“I know I fucked up,” I start, taking in a steady breath. “But there’s still time. We can bury it. Pay off the reporter, anyone that knows. We can fix this.”

He gives me a pitying look as he takes another gulp of whiskey.

“Did you forget whose party that picture was taken at?”

My heart drops. “Colton knows?”

“Yes and because you were apparently dumb enough to get your picture taken at his party, he’s aware you’re the reason his plans for the product release are suddenly going haywire. He knows you were at his party and he knows the Mincetti girl helped you. He wants revenge.”

“Fuck!” I breathe.

“And while I might have a hell of a lot of influence in D.C, in New York, Colton has more power and he’s intent on ensuring the story gets out. I talked to the reporter already, offered him a lot of money not to break the story, he refused. Said he already had a better offer. There’s no stopping this, Alexander.”

Yeah I’m definitely going to be sick.

“That woman,” my father says. “Has always been your weakness. You don’t think clearly when it comes to her. I had hoped you’d have grown a pair. I thought you were smarter but you’re still the same boy that was so in love with her he couldn’t see up his own ass. You’re a disappointment, Alexander. And I had such high hopes for you.”

I grit my teeth but don’t reply but my mind whirring as I try to come up with a viable solution.

“This ruins everything,” he continues. “How are the board supposed to trust you as CEO when your reputation is in tatters because you’re publicly known to have a relationship with a crime syndicate? And I’m supposed to just give you my company? No way in hell is that happening.”

“I don’t fucking care,” I say finally finding my voice.


“I said I don’t care,” I repeat. “Do you know how hard I’ve worked to gain even a little bit of respect from you. You’re a controlling narcissist and a fucking asshole. All you care about is your pride. Do you even give a damn about your children? Don’t answer that because I already know you don’t. You pitted me against Graham in every aspect as we grew older, you placed a tight leash around Mikayla’s neck her entire life. You don’t even see the length of your own inadequacies because you’re too busy judging everyone around you!”

A muscle pulses at the side of his forehead.

I continue. “I’m done. Ten years ago you asked me to choose between my position in the family and what I wanted. I’m choosing to prioritize my family. My son and his mother. I don’t care what you do. I don’t give a fuck about my reputation. I’ll take care of my problems on my own.”

He stares at me, sympathy laced with anger.

“Like I said, a fucking disappointment.”
