Page 1 of Broken

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The light is on in her room as I sit here watching, the dress she's wearing is that perfect baby pink that she seems to love. She unzips the back of it, never bothering to close the shades on her window. I've watched her for years from this window, wishing I could touch her skin. She's got that pale perfect skin that looks like it'd feel like clouds.

She shrugs the dress off and I fist myself, watching her strip. The small curve of her ass is in my line of sight as she bends over to pick the dress up off the floor.

My breath fogs the window as I lean my forehead against it. She so fucking perfect. Katherine Winston, the perfect daughter, who always does what she's told. Cheer leading and dance classes included. She recently started dating Knox, the douche bag from our school, who everyone wants to either be or date.

This summer will be different though, I've already started to put in the work to become someone she might look at.

When she reaches behind her back to take the bra off I watch, hoping she'll turn around to let me see her tits. “Come on, Kitty.” I say, straining to keep myself from letting go too soon.

She turns to the side and lifts her arms, giving me enough of a view that I grunt and release myself.

I sigh, wishing that I could have her to myself. That it was me she was kissing instead of him.

She turns her bedroom light off and I know she's going to bed for the night, sleeping naked like she has for weeks now.

After cleaning myself up, I drop into my bed and keep an eye on her window. My perfect little Kitty needs to be broken in, and I want to be the one who does it. I thought for years that if I broke her down, I could build her back up, but all the movies were wrong. Girls don't want guys who treat them like shit. She hates me now, and I can see it on her face every single time I'm around her.

This summer has been a blessing, I hit a growth spurt and I worked out everyday, turning myself from a flabby nerd, to a fucking rockstar. I grew my hair out and braided it and pulled it into a bun.

I'm registering for senior year and Nicole Breshears just walks up to me, thinking I’m a new kid. When she finds out I’m just the same old Westley Sherman, she goes wide-eyed and asks if I have a date for the homecoming. School hasn't even started yet and she's already trying to get set up for homecoming, why?

I turn her down because there's only one girl I have ever had my eyes on, even if I fucked that all up. My eighteenth birthday is a few weeks after school starts, and I'm determined to not graduate a fucking virgin.

George, my best friend, and Katherine's brother knocks me on the shoulder. “Damn bro, you went and got all hot on me over summer. How are we supposed to study if all the girls are fawning over you?” He teases, even though he’s seen me all summer, he still likes to poke at me for getting fit.

“Shut up.” I say back, not really sure what else to say. Girls don't fawn over me.

“What are we doing for your birthday?” He asks.

“I'm not sure. My parents want to have dinner. Figured they'd invite you guys over.”

“Dude you’re turning eighteen and you're just going to have dinner with our families?”

“What, pray tell, do you think I should do? You don't turn eighteen for a few months, and I have no other friends, so dinner is what I get.” I laugh lightly, not wanting to show him the fact that I hate not having other friends.

All these clowns made fun of me for so long, now that I look like this, they want to be my friend. “Sup bitches.” Katherine walks over to us and I straighten up, hoping I look fine. “Oh, West, you got,” she cocks her head to the side, “douche-ier. Why?”

Damnit. I've known she hates me for a while now, but it still sucks when she basically blows me off.

“Anyway, I'm cutting in line with Nicole, see you at home.” she gives us a little finger wave and skips down to her friend.

“This year needs to hurry up so I can get out of here.” George sighs, shaking his head at his sister. “She has no aspirations for her future, it's kind of pathetic.”

“You never know, she could surprise you.” I say, watching her laugh, her dark curls bouncing against her back.

George and Katherine finally turned eighteen on Wednesday. We had a typical family dinner, just like my eighteenth, but this weekend, George and I are studying. We have a test on Monday and we need to make sure our grades are perfect for Yale. I’m kind of over all the studying, I want to have fun for once in my life, real life fun. Like a normal teenager.

“Our parents are gonna freak out when they find out she went to that party.” George says, tapping his pencil to the paper. Their parents are out of town this weekend for some big lawyer things for his father.

“I thought we were studying?” I say, trying to direct his attention back to the paper.

“She's been off lately, staying out later, lying, and hanging out with Knox and his friends.” George shakes his head.

“Leave her alone dude. It's her life.” I grunt, slamming the math book closed. “I'm headed home, maybe I can actually study over there.”
