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One Month Later

It's been four weeks since Dominic crawled back into bed with me and whispered that I was safe against my skin over and over. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Or a new life altogether, really.

I know it seems way too fast, but I just sort of...moved in with Dominic. I never went back to my apartment, and without me saying a word, bags and boxes of my things began showing up here. Dominic moved me in silently, and I didn’t say a single thing about it.

As far as I’m concerned, this is where I belong.

I was supposed to start classes last week, but Dominic convinced me to take a gap year and just enjoy this bubble we're in. We're getting to know each other and taking our time, and it's been wonderful. School will be there when I'm ready, and something tells me Dominic is going to pay for the most prestigious college education possible for me. As long as it's online, that is. Dom has already said a few times that 'He'll never let his angel out of his sight for long.'

Oh well. Online sounds golden to me, if it means I get to spend every beautiful day and steamy night with the man I...

God, I really need to just admit it to myself and get it over with. The man I love.

Fingering the falcon charm around my neck, I make a decision. I'm going to tell him tonight, come hell or high water. I went from fearing for my life to being completely in love and pampered—who wouldn't love a man who provided that?

Dominic spends five days of the week at Il Fiore Raro, and I go with him most days to continue learning from Marie. I really think I have a knack for it, and that maybe once school does come around, I'll major in something culinary.

This morning, I felt a little nauseous so I decided to stay behind. It's late afternoon now, and I'm feeling loads better. What can I do to make tonight special? I can't do something as monumental as telling Dominic that I love him just out of the blue. It needs to be an occasion with a capital O.

I find Elena in the kitchen, opening cabinets and writing a grocery list as she goes. She smiles when she sees me and puts her pen down. "Something you need, Daisy?"

Resting my upper half with my elbows on the counter, I lean in towards her, as if the two of us are sharing a secret. "Elena, could you help me make a special dinner for Dominic?" I ask conspiratorially. "I'm thinking of making a homemade Italian meal, but I don't know much about cooking authentic Italian cuisine. It's kind of a big deal for me. I want to show Dominic that I appreciate him, and..." I blush. "And that I love him."

Elena's eyes widen. "You love him?"

"More than anything," I gush, and her expression softens.

"Then let's make it happen. Do you have any idea what you'd like to serve him?"

"On the night he—" I clear my throat, blushing when I think about our dinner together in his office where he ate me for dessert. "On our first date, he served me this pasta that he said was his grandmother's recipe. Do you know it?"

"Of course." Elena beams. "I'm sure he'd love that. I'll help you make it. Then we can do a caprese salad and a fresh loaf of French bread. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect, Elena. Thank you!"

We spend the next several hours cooking. My favorite part by far is kneading the dough for the bread and seeing Dominic's home in a whole new light. Elena does most of the cooking, but it helps me feel connected to the old, wise house to really work in its kitchen.

I'm in the middle of stirring the pasta sauce when strong, familiar arms snake around my waist and the now-familiar scent of Dominic's cologne and his own natural aroma fills the air. Turning my head, I press my lips against his, and his stubble scratches my chin, his lips curling in a smirk beneath mine. "You look like a sexy little chef, angel," he growls, pulling me harder against him, and I feel the stiff bulge in his pants pressing against my ass.

"Hi," I breathe, giggling. "How was your day?"

"Shitty," he grumbles. "I've had the biggest asshole customers all day. But then I came home to a beautiful woman and everything already feels better." Nuzzling my ear, he whispers, "I have a surprise for you upstairs."

Goosebumps cover me from my head to my toes, but I can't let him distract me from my plan. Still stirring the sauce, I ask him, "Can it be an after-dinner surprise? Because I have a surprise, too. And,'s dinner. I made us dinner."

"Did you?" Dominic presses his lips to the back of my neck.

"Yep. And Elena helped."

"Elena did, eh? Smells delicious."

"I hope it tastes that way, too."

"Everything you touch turns out perfect, angel."
