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The flight attendant serves us mimosas, and Daisy drinks happily, leaning into me. "Are you excited?"

"Of course," I say, kissing her head. "I'm always excited when we go anywhere, angel."

She giggles. "You just like seeing me in a bikini."

"Oh, I like that, too. But no."

Daisy sits up, her eyebrow quirked. "What, then? Tell me."

"I'm excited for a week alone with my wife." I brush my lips over her ear. "A week to explore every inch of her body, a week to remind her who her pussy belongs to. And you know what?" I lower my voice. "We've got a private beach. No one around for miles. So you don't even need the bikini."

She shivers, and when I pull away, her face is flushed.

"Easy, angel. We've got a long flight." She smiles, leaning back in her seat, but there's a shadow in her expression that I don't like. "Something wrong?"

She hesitates, shrugging one shoulder. "No...well, maybe a little. It's one thing to be naked in bed with you with the soft bedroom lighting, but in the bright daylight sun...I'm not as thin as I used to be. It...scares me a little, I guess. I worry that you won't be as attracted to me."

I stare at her, shocked. How can she possibly think that? "Angel, I love you. Your body is perfect. You had three children with me, and your body carried them and nourished them. You are a goddess."

She blushes, but there's a hopeful look coming over her.

"Have I not made it clear?" I growl. "Because if not, I've been failing as a husband."

"No! It's not that, I just...sometimes..."

I take her hand, lifting it to my lips. "You're more beautiful now, more sexy, than ever before. In fact, I like you a little curvier. It means that I don't have to be as careful with you because your body can take what I have to give."

That gets a smile out of her, and I feel the plane lurch forward as we start to pick up speed. "I just want you to feel as beautiful as you are."

"With you," Daisy whispers, turning pink, "I do."

"Good." I kiss her palm. "Now, if you'll excuse me, angel, I'd like to retire to the back bedroom to ravish you."

Daisy lets out a squeal that quickly turns into a gasp as I scoop her up, tossing her over my shoulder. When we're safely in the back, I lock the door behind us and show my wife that I will always find her perfect—no matter the shape or size of her body.

The End.
